
attitude n.1.姿勢,身段。2.態度,看法。3.【軍事】飛行姿態...


Age has mellowed his attitude to some things . 他隨著年齡的增加,對某些事情的看法已日趨成熟。

His remark simply does not comport with his known attitude . 他的發言同他一貫的態度極不相稱。

Our attitude is clear . 我們的態度是明確的。

Twain himself seems to have inherited something of this attitude . 吐溫似乎繼承了這種秉性。

Her attitude was reckless . 她的態度是輕率的。

Rosedale still stood before her in an expectant attitude . 羅西德仍有所期待地站在她面前。

The attitude was implicit in everything he did . 從他的一舉一動卻分明可以看出他這種態度。

His attitude was very sultry . 他的態度很粗暴。

To some extent, i can understand their attitude . 我在某種程度上是能夠理解他們的態度的。

The soul will recover the noble attitude of simplicity . 心靈就會恢復到純樸的高尚狀態。

On the other hand some manifested courageous attitudes . 然而,有些人則表現得十分英勇。

His words slowly relaxed her threatening attitude . 他的言語慢慢地緩和了她的威脅態度。

This retiring attitude enchanced his prestige . 他這種與世無爭的態度更增加了他的威望。

His attitude towards the unemployed is very one-sided . 他對于失業者的態度很不公正。

Being gentle and cultivated is just a scholar 's attitude . 溫文爾雅正是學者的態度。

He did n't make his attitude clear . 他沒有表明態度。

She didn't like his attitude . 她有點討厭他那副神態。

Attitudes to automation vary across a wide spectrum . 人們對自動化的態度各不相同。

There was a certain coldness in her attitude towards me . 她對我的態度有點兒冷淡。