
attic adj.1.古希臘阿蒂卡 (Attica) [雅典]的;...

attic faith

I haven ' t checked in the attics yet . - they ' ve aiready been searched 我還沒找過頂艙-有人找過了

- i haven ' t checked in the attics yet . - they ' ve aiready been searched -我還沒找過頂艙-有人找過了

I unearthed the portrait from the attic 我從閣樓上搜出這幅畫像

Carter , i iive in an attic , okay 卡特,我是住在閣樓里,知道嗎?

In your case , an attic was involved 在你的案子中,牽涉到一個閣樓

Tess had heard those notes in the attic above her head 苔絲過去聽見過頭上閣樓里的那些琴聲。

Put a mattress in the attic for griet 在閣樓上給葛麗葉放一個床墊吧

The little girls slept in the attic in a big feather bed 女孩們睡在閣樓的一張大羽毛床上。

He will never capture the attic note 他永遠也捕捉不到古希臘的格調。

Kuiguang attic was named kuixing attic in the ancient chinese 魁光閣古稱奎星閣,奎星閣是

And he thought he heard something in the attic 他好象聽到閣樓上有聲音

Of the woman you were caring for were found in the attic 兒子和兒媳的尸體被發現在閣樓里

The twins have been monkeying about in the attic again 那對雙胞胎又在閣樓上東搞西搞了。

Renditions of andrew lloyd webber musicals in our attic 還經常在閣樓表演安德魯?韋伯的歌

Pack these books together and put them in the attic 把這些書包裝在一起,然后放在閣樓里。

I found a spinning wheel in the attic 我在閣樓中找到了一個縫衣車。

Let ' s clear away the rubbish in the attic 咱們把那些廢物從閣樓清除掉吧

An open space under a roof ; an attic or a garret 閣樓,頂樓有屋頂的開闊地;頂樓或閣樓

How does one access the attic in this house 人要怎麼進出這房子的閣樓呢?