
attestation n.1.證實,證明。2.證據,證言;證明書。3.宣誓。

The new cabinet will hold a “ attestation ceremony “ at japan palace on 27th night , and then put into operation 改組后的安倍內閣將于27日晚在日本皇宮經過“認證儀式”后正式投入運轉。

The mortgagor shall fill the “ summary of mortgaged real estate “ and do relevant notary and attestation of it 抵押人填寫房地產抵押內容摘要并辦理相應的公證認證手續


The company passed iso9002 , iso9001 early or late : attestation of system of 2000 international quality and iso14001 environment manage systematic attestation 公司先后通過了iso9002 、 iso9001 : 2000國際質量體系認證和iso14001環境管理體系認證。

Feature in good looking and credible quality , the products have met the standards of europe and america , and have passed attestation of iso9001 : 2000 quality system 產品外觀精美,質量可靠,符合歐美國際標準,并已通過iso9002質量體系認證。

You can consider self - study to participate in a few english kind national attestation , for example pets , the likelihood can have profit to your development 您可以考慮自學參與一些英語類的國家認證,例如pets等,可能對于您的發展會有好處。

The factory has obtained iso9002 series quality suervision and quality guarantee international standard attestation . it also owns self import & export rights 本廠已獲準iso9002系列質量管理與質量保證國際標準認證,擁有自營進出口權。

He equipment is confirmed by the professional s attestation , it features high degree of automatization , multipurpose in one machine , easy operation and maintenance 本設備根據專家論證,自動化程度高,一機多用,操作、維修方便。

Portable fire extinguishers - part 6 : provisions for the attestation of conformity of portable fire extinguishers in accordance with en 3 part 1 to part 5 手提式滅火器.第6部分:符合en 3第1至第5部分的手提式滅火器的合格證明書的規定

We possess the production capacity of annual 5 , 000 tons ceramic pigment , and we have passed the iso9001 : 2000 international quality system attestation 公司具有年產5000噸陶瓷顏料的生產能力,且已通過iso9001 : 2000國際質量體系認證。

External employment service administers the contracts for employment outside hong kong ordinance through attestation of contracts . 12f , harbour building 執行《往香港以外地方就業合約條例》 ,為前往香港以外地方就業的雇員核簽合約。

Portable fire extinguishers - provisions for the attestation of conformity of portable fire extinguishers in accordance with en 3 part 1 to part 5 : amendment 1 輕便滅火器.根據en 3第1 - 5部分制定的輕便滅火器符合性證明規定:修改件1

Rule of procedure 8 . attestation of conformity - the cecc mark and conditions of use , certificates of approval and procedures for the attestation of conformity 程序8的規則.合格證明.合格證明的cecc標志和使用條件合格證書和程序

Attestation standard for the assessment of contract award procedures of entities operating in the water , energy , transport and telecommunication sectors 供水,供能源,交通運輸以及通訊行業中運作實體的合同授予程序評估的證書標準

The practice shows that the construction and operation of attestation is important for the safety of wireless public network terminal 實踐證明,接入認證部分的建設和投入運行對無線公網終端的推廣建設起到了重要的安全保障作用。

National audit raises from the need of strengthening economic supervision , and its basic functions include supervision 、 evaluation and attestation 國家審計是基于加強經濟監督的需要而產生的,其基本職能在于監督、評價和鑒證。

This new method enriches the security semantic of platform attestation and is more adapt to the impartial and open network environment 這種新的可信平臺證明方式豐富了平臺證明的安全語義,并且更適用于公平、開放的網絡環境。

Attestation standard for the assessment of contract award procedures of entities operating in the water , energy , transport and telecommunication sectors 供水供能運輸及電訊部門的實體運作決標合同程序評估用證書標準

My id number affirms without by accident , going up with bank card match . why attestation not . all conditions are correct 我的身份證號碼確認無誤,和銀行卡上是匹配的。為什么認證不了呢。所有條件都是正確的啊。

Fujian power is the first one to implement wireless public network load management terminal access attestation in the whole country 摘要福建電力在全國率先實施全省范圍內無線公網負荷管理終端接入的自主鑒權。