
attest vt.1.證明,證實。2.表明。3.使發誓。4.使服兵役...

“ oh , yes ; and they may have the fact attested whenever they please . “噢,是的。他們隨時都可來看實際的證據。 ”


Thunderstorms are notoriously unpredictable , as many a drenched picnicker can attest 雷暴真是人所共知的難以預料,正如許多濕透了的野餐者證實的那樣。

Falling ill in kazakhstan is often a dreadful experience , as your correspondent can attest 在哈薩克斯坦生病是很可怕的經歷,就如記者能證明的一樣。

An electronic document attesting to the binding of a public key to an individual or entity 證書用以核實公開密碼匙與個人或實體關系的電子文件。

F . lender s registration certificate , which should be notarized and attested in its locality . 7 F .貸款人的注冊證明,須在當地辦理公證及認證手續

A . 7 a letter attesting that the nationality of the carrying vessel has been approved by the buyer 運貨船只的國籍已經被買主批準的書信一封。

The documents we require are : the completed loan undertaking signed by you and attested , 由你填妥及簽署,并經見證人簽署見證的接受貸款承諾書

Keep copies of performance evaluations and memos that attest to the quality of your work 保留工作表現評估和證明你工作質量的備忘錄的備份。

Temples are not clearly attested in this period by either archaeology or literature 既沒有明顯代表這個時期的廟宇,也沒有考古物和文獻。

Nearly thirty years of experience in education attested the need for flexibility in the classroom 近三十年的教學經驗告訴我:教無定法。

America veterans are a huge entity to attest the interests of the social economy 摘要退伍士兵在美國是一個人數龐大的特殊的利益集團。

Normaiiy , and those who know me or were married to me can attest to this 一般來說,那些了解我的人或是曾經跟我接過婚的人知道

The documents we require are : the completed undertaking signed by you and attested 由你填妥及簽署,并經見證人簽署見證的承諾書

The completed deed of indemnity signed by your indemnifier and attested 由你的彌償人填妥及簽署,并經見證人簽署見證的彌償契據

Infancy . you attest that you are of legal age to enter into this agreement 未成年人? ? ?本協議中涉及的用戶均要達到法定年齡。

Commercial invoices made out to the buyer and attested by the seller ' s bank 發出至買方,經由賣方銀行證明真偽的商務發票。

As an american , i can attest that american schools are far from perfect 身為一個美國人,我可以證明美國的學校也不盡完美。

That they did this does not attest to their approval of the occupation 他們這樣做并非是在表明他們對占領予以承認。

“ oh , yes ; and they may have the fact attested whenever they please . “噢,是的。他們隨時都可來看實際的證據。 ”