
attention n.1.注意,注目;留心,專心;注意力。2.【軍事】立正...

We “ shout “ in anger or to get attention . 我們“喊叫”是因憤怒或為引起注意。

attention span

She was listening with keen attention . 她聚精會神地聽。

Pay attention to the drills in the english vowel sounds . 注意英語元音發音練習。

Johnny paid scant heed to all these attention . 約翰尼對所有這些榮譽都不屑一顧。

Carol didn't pay any attention to my suggestion . 可是我的建議卡蘿爾連睬都不睬。

Now his attention replaced upon bosinney . 這時候他的心思又回到波辛尼身上來了。

The doctor's attentions were unheeded by the widow . 醫生獻殷勤但是寡婦不理睬。

She gave a quiet cough to attract my attention . 她輕輕地咳了一聲好引起我注意。

The strange stories gripped the hearers' attention . 這些奇妙的故事抓住了聽眾。

She drew my attention to an error in the report . 她要我注意報告中的一處錯誤。

Certain failures will require immediate attention . 有些故障需要立即引起注意。

How much attention has she received ? 有過多少人向她垂情?

They are listening to the lecture with avid attention . 他們聚精會神地聽講演。

Groups require stroking and nurture and attention . 小組需要安撫、培育和關心。

She nodded. her attention was focused again . 她點點頭,再度將注意力集中起來。

Dear mr. so-and-so : may i draw your attention to the following . 某先生臺鑒。

This story has diverted our attention from them . 這個事把我們的注意力扯開了。

We “ shout “ in anger or to get attention . 我們“喊叫”是因憤怒或為引起注意。

The subject has received its fair share of attention . 那題目受到應有的注意。