
attent adj.〔古語〕注意的,留意的。

“ yangzi model “ has gained wide attent ions of the press and led to inside and outside of the press further think ing “揚子模式”引起了業界廣泛的關注,引發了業界內外深入的思考。


After nearly one year clinical practice , the auth or thought thatin t he course of carrying out systematic holistic nursing care one should pay attent ion to some points as follows : do not take the systematic holistic nursing ca re as doctrine , the holistic nursing care is not all - powerful , and is not a empty frame either , only by changing one ' s viewpoint , drawing into competition system , one can heighten his consciousness of service and ensure the effectiven ess of carrying out the systematic holistic nursing care , to perfect manageme nt system , to ensure the quality of holistic nursing care , to pay special att ention to the links of health education , to make out a set of scientific and detailed criterion to evaluate the systematic holistic nursing care , it should b e geared to actual circumstances and give prominence to entirety , foresight and actual effectiveness 通過近1年的臨床實踐,認為在實施系統化整體護理中應注意以下幾個問題:不能把系統化整體護理教條化;系統化整體護理不是萬能的,也不是一個空洞的框架;只有轉變觀念,引入競爭機制,才能真正增強服務意識,保證系統化整體護理實施的有效性;完善管理機制,確保整體護理質量;抓好健康教育環節;對系統化整體護理的評估,要切合實際,制定出一套科學而詳盡的標準,突出整體性、預見性和實效性。

Au ? erdem habe man aufnahmen davon , wie die attent ? ter gemeinsam kurz vor den anschl ? gen die londoner station king ' s cross betraten , so scotland yard 除此之外,人們還發現了這些恐怖分子是怎么一起在襲擊之前的很短的時間內進入倫敦的國王十字地鐵站的蘇格蘭場。

To build well - off society in an - all - round way , fairness with efficiency integrated with common prosperity should be paid more attent 全面建設小康社會更加注重效率公平和共同富裕的統一。

The two colleges have a reciprocal arrangement whereby students from one college can attent classes at the other 兩個學院達成一個互惠的協議以次其中任一個校的學生可以到另一個學校上課

“ yangzi model “ has gained wide attent ions of the press and led to inside and outside of the press further think ing “揚子模式”引起了業界廣泛的關注,引發了業界內外深入的思考。

Now mine eyes shall be open , and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place 代下7 : 15我必睜眼看、側耳聽、在此處所獻的禱告。