
attend vt.1.出席,到場,參加;上,到。2.隨侍,服侍;隨行...


Attend by ticket only . 憑票入場。

They attended banks . 他們守衛銀行。

Richard, attending the school of art, went on the boards at last . 理查就讀藝術學校,最后當了演員。

This pass will privilege you to attend the closed hearings . 這張通行證能使你有權參加秘密的聽證會。

I feel honor bound to attend because i promised i would . 我覺得不參加不大好,因為是我答應過的事。

Everybody consciously attends to things and everything is attended to . 人人自覺管,事事有人管。

She really has a tough job having to attend to so many things . 她一個人擔任那兒工作,真夠勁兒。

She met oberon attended by his train of fairy courtiers . 她遇見奧布朗,后邊還跟著仙宮的侍臣。

While we were attending an embassy party she collapsed . 在一次使館舉行的酒會上,她突然暈倒。

Her parties are always attended by the cream of society . 她的聚會經常有些社會名流來參加。

The meeting was well attended . 到會人數眾多。

Philip attended now lectures on medicine and on surgery . 現在菲利蒲在聽內科和外科講座。

A fashionable affair attended by all the great and the good . 顯要人物都出席的社交盛事。

To attend evening schools is all the fashion now in china . 目前,讀夜校在中國極為風行。

Emperor nero attended the bacchanalian orgy . 尼祿皇(羅馬暴君)參加了狂飲的祭酒神儀式。

The princess attended the opening night of the opera . 公主觀看了那歌劇首次演出的夜場。

He attends a technical school . 他在工業學校上學。

She has been attending upon her sick mother for years . 她侍奉她生病的母親已有多年了。

His daughter attended him with the greatest tenderness . 他由女兒體貼入微地照料著。