
attainment n.1.達到,到達。2.〔pl.〕 成就,造詣;學識,才...

“ citee “ and “ dutee ' the attainment of a dignity or rank 這項研究結果在語音季刊上發表。

attainment age

Humanities attainment and ethos 人文素養與民族精神

A wise man will not marry a woman who has attainments but no virtue 聰明的人是不會娶有才無德的女子為妻的。

Upon successful completion and attainment of nsc3 certificate in foot reflexology 順利完成全課程并考獲證書

A scholar of the highest attainments 造詣極高的學者

What is your education attainment 請問你教育程度系

On the library and education of information attainment in the new era 論新形勢下高校圖書館與信息素養教育

Editorial information attainments in the times of information transmission 論信息傳播時代編輯的信息素養

7 there was improvement in the educational attainment of the population 7本港人口的教育程度已有提高。

As a result of the need , i have a certain artistic attainments 由于工作需要,我具備著一定的藝術造詣。

And a certificate of attainment 六十元及獲頒發修業證書。

Professor wang huiyan ' s academic attainments and academic thought 王惠巖教授的學術成就與學術思想

Possessing an educational attainment of form 5 to below degree level 學歷在中五至大學學位以下;

Social network capital and cadre ' s occupational status attainment 社會網絡資本與干部職業地位獲得

He is not envious but emulous of your attainments “他不是嫉妒你的學識,而是想與你的學識競爭。

Attainment and compilation of digital movie of sports cai courseware 課件中數字電影的獲取與處理

An attainment , such as a skill or social accomplishment 成就,造詣成就、造詣,如技藝或社會成就

The study of university students ' moral attainment in the new period 新時期大學生道德素養的研究

Upon successful completion and attainment of 順利完成課程并獲得證書