
attachment n.1.附著,附著物;附屬物,附件。2.愛慕,依戀;依附...

attachment disorder

As she looked at warrington's manly face, and dark, melancholy eyes, she had settled in her mind that he must have been the victim of an unhappy attachment . 每逢看到沃林頓那剛毅的臉,那烏黑、憂郁的眼睛,她便會相信,他一定作過不幸的愛情的受害者。

She felt as if she had been unjust to a friend, whose advice might have been highly useful, and whose attachment deserved her full unreserved confidence . 她覺得似乎對不起朋友,因為他的意見該是十分可貴的,他的關心也是值得她毫無保留地信賴的。

It was not very long ago, frlbsby thought, that words had been addressed to her in that dear french language indicating a different sort of attachment . 弗里斯比想,曾幾何時,這樣的話用親切的法文向她表達的還完全是另一種感情。

The live loads were applied by a standard system of ring dynamometers with attachment points distributed uniformly on the upper surface of the decking . 用一系列標準環式測力計施加活荷載,其接觸點均勻分布于面板的上部表面。

As for harriet's feelings they were visibly forming themselves into as strong and steady an attachment as her youth and sort of mind admitted . 赫蕊埃特的感情呢,就象她的青春和心情所許可的那樣,正在變成強烈而堅定的愛戀。

Mr. collins was sure neither sensible nor agreeable; his society was irksome, and his attachment to her must be imaginary . 柯林斯先生固然既不通情達理,又不討人喜歡,同他相處實在是件討厭的事,他對她的愛也一定是空中樓閣。

Interwoven as is the love of liberty with every ligament of your hearts, no recommendation of mine is necessary to fortify or confirm the attachment . 你們的心弦與自由絲絲相扣,因此用不著我來增強或堅定你們對自由的熱愛。

Later, the growth of the nation in physical size created regional and state attachments sometimes more powerful than national ones . 后來,這個國家幅員擴大,產生了區域性和各洲的依附之情,有時較對國家的依附之情更有力量。

These attachments were considered secondary components, so no weld quality control has been imposed on the groove weld splice . 這些附連件被看作是次要的部件,所以在這種坡口焊接中沒有進行焊接質量控制。

Because the reaction is initiated by the attachment of an electrophile, the process is called an electrophilic addition reaction . 因為反應是由親電試劑的附加而開始的,所以這個過程叫做親電加成反應。

Because the reaction initiated by the attachment of an electrophile, the process is called an electrophilic addition reaction . 因為反應是由親電試劑的附加而開始的,所以這個過程叫做親電加成反應。

He remembered mr. perrichon's dogged and undiscouraged attachment to the young man whom he had pulled out of the glacier . 他還記得佩里松先生固執地、不氣餒地與他從冰河里拉出來的年輕人保持友愛。

A large number of these cracks occurred because the groove welded component was considered a secondary member or attachment . 發生這許多裂紋是因為把這些坡口焊接部件作為次要構件或附件考慮。

The scanning electron microscope provides information on chemical composition by use of x-ray spectrometer attachments . 掃描電子顯微鏡能利用x射線譜儀的附件來提供化學組份的信息。

His grander dream had been a marriage with a lady of so glowing a fame for beauty and attachment to her lord . 他宏偉的迷夢是要與一個因其美貌和對男人的順從而芳名閃爍的女人結婚。

The attachment of the upper end of the iron wire allows the pendulum to swing with equal freedom in any direction . 鐵絲頂端的連結裝置保證懸擺能在任何方向上同樣自由地擺動。

Some vague report had reached her before of my attachment to some young lady in devonshire . 在這以前她已經隱約聽到了一些消息,說我在德文郡和一位年輕女士相好。

The exact position of the attachment of the xyloglucan to the pectic polysaccharide remains to be determined . 葡聚糖與果膠多糖相結合的正確位置還有待于測定。

A responsibility both men had to feel deeply in light of their attachment to their own children . 他們兩人一定要從熱愛自己孩子的角度來深刻體驗這種責任。