
attach vt.1.附上,加上(條件等)。2.貼上,系上,縛上。3...


This led to the conclusion that the virus is attached to leukocytes . 這就引出結論,病毒是附著在白細胞上的。

By day 11 the ovum begins to attach and implant in the lining of the uterus . 到第11天卵子著床嵌入子宮內壁。

It has been applied to attached algae and submerged vascular plants . 它已經用于附生藻類和沉水維營本植物中。

The schoolmaster sat in his homely dwelling attached to the school . 學校的教師坐在和校舍相連的樸素住宅里。

Her manners were attaching and soon banished his reserve . 她的風度是令人喜悅的,因此很快就消除了他的緘默。

Every animal is attached to nothing so much as to its own interest . 每一個動物愛無別物,只有他自己的利益。

We attach the boundary conditions to the steady-state solution u(x) . 我們把邊值條件聯系到定態解U(x)上。

Let us now consider the damper attached to the mass of figure f2 . 現在我們考慮連在圖F2的質量上的制動器。

These elongate sand bodies are attached to a bulge of the mainland . 這些長條形砂體連接于主陸的突出部位。

Police attach credence to the report of an unnamed bystander . 警方認為一位不知姓名的目擊者的報告很有用。

A rigid, precise turntable is attached to the laboratory floor . 一架堅固的精密的轉臺被固定在試驗室地上。

We have grown very attached to this house and would hate to move . 我們十分留戀這所房子,真舍不得搬家。

He becomes attached to fayaway and boats with her on the lake . 他迷戀上了法亞薇,同她一起在湖里劃船。

They attach importance to things that are of no consequence . 本來沒有什么了不起的事,他們卻看得很重。

The old man wore an eyeglass attached to a piece of ribbon . 那老人戴著單片眼鏡,上面連結著一條絲帶。

Mirrors attached to the rollers form part of an optical system . 裝在圓筒上的小鏡是光學系統的一部分。

Both the listeners began to attach an importance to her mediation . 這兩個人開始對她的游說重視起來。

The daughter nuclides of radon and thoron tend to become attached . 氡和釷射氣的子體易被氣溶膠吸附。

You will be attached to this department until the end of the year . 你在年底前將暫屬于這一部門。