
atropine n.【化學】顛茄鹼阿托品。

“ various interventions have previously been used in attempts to arrest progression of myopia including progressive spectacles , conventional rigid gas permeable contact lenses and medications . however , recent studies have shown that atropine therapy is the only available drugmethod effective in retarding myopia progression , “ said professor dennis s . c . lam , chairman of dovs of cuhk 香港中文大學眼科及視覺科學系系主任林順潮教授表示:據近期多項研究顯示,配戴漸變鏡或傳統透氣硬性隱形眼鏡皆不能制止近視加深,使用阿托品是市面唯一可以有效控制近視加深的方法。

Professor dennis s . c . lam added , “ although seem relatively safe , atropine therapy may have long - term side effects arising from paralysis of accommodation ( leading to pre - senile presbyopia ) and pupil dilatation ( leading to ultraviolet light damage to the lens and retina ) 林順潮教授指出:雖然使用阿托品治療看來是安全的,但長遠而言,亦有可能出現副作用,例如調節麻痹(導致提早出現老花)及瞳孔擴大(導致晶狀體及視網膜受到紫外光損害)等。

“ atropine is a non - selective anti - muscarinic blocker that produces effect on the ciliary muscle causing loss of accommodation , on the iris tissue causing pupil dilatation and on the fibrous tissue of the sclera causing less elongation of the eye ball , “ professor lam said ( anti - muscarinicblocker )的藥物,能抑制鞏膜纖維組織生長從而減慢眼球拉長,但同時亦會麻醉眼睫肌,令眼晴不能自動調節焦點,也會擴大瞳孔,引致眼晴不適。

“ atropine is a kind of eye dropointment that can prevent excessive growth of the sclera , thus causing less elongation of the eye ball , “ said dr . dorothy fan shu ping , associate professor of the dovs of cuhk 香港中文大學眼科及視覺科學系副教授范舒屏醫生指出:阿托品是一種能防止鞏膜纖維層過度生長的眼藥膏,從而可以減少眼球拉長。


To assess the medicinal value of cultural anisodus tanguticus , the contents of four bioactive tropane alkaloids , anisodine , anisodamine , scopolamine and atropine , in cultural and wild materials were determined by the hplc method . the results showed that content of each alkaloid in the aboveground parts of cultural and wild samples was lower than that in roots , and this explained why it was not the whole plant but the root that was used as medicinal materials . the content of each alkaloid in the roots of one - year cultural material was lower than that in the two - year plants . the discrepancy of the total of four alkaloids between one - year and wild plants is not significant . moreover , the total of four alkaloids , and the contents of anisodine , scopolamine , and atropine in two - year plants were higher than those in wild plant . thus there is medicinal value in the cultivated a . tanguticus as well as wild a . tanguticus , especially in the two - year cultural a . tanguticus 為了評估人工栽培山莨菪的藥用價值,采用高效液相色譜技術對人工栽培和野生山莨菪的地上部分和根中具有生物活性的4種托烷類生物堿:樟柳堿、山莨菪堿、東莨菪堿和阿托品的含量進行了測定.結果表明無論是人工栽培還是野生植物,地上部分中4種生物堿含量均遠低于根,這解釋了人們為什么用山莨菪的根而不是整株入藥.在栽培植物的根中,一年生山莨菪中各生物堿含量均小于二年生山莨菪,其根中4種生物堿總量與野生根相比差異不是很明顯;二年生山莨菪根中, 4種生物堿總量以及樟柳堿、東莨菪堿和阿托品含量均比野生的高.這說明人工栽培的山莨菪,尤其是二年生山莨菪,同野生山莨菪一樣具有一定的藥用價值

“ various interventions have previously been used in attempts to arrest progression of myopia including progressive spectacles , conventional rigid gas permeable contact lenses and medications . however , recent studies have shown that atropine therapy is the only available drugmethod effective in retarding myopia progression , “ said professor dennis s . c . lam , chairman of dovs of cuhk 香港中文大學眼科及視覺科學系系主任林順潮教授表示:據近期多項研究顯示,配戴漸變鏡或傳統透氣硬性隱形眼鏡皆不能制止近視加深,使用阿托品是市面唯一可以有效控制近視加深的方法。

Professor dennis s . c . lam added , “ although seem relatively safe , atropine therapy may have long - term side effects arising from paralysis of accommodation ( leading to pre - senile presbyopia ) and pupil dilatation ( leading to ultraviolet light damage to the lens and retina ) 林順潮教授指出:雖然使用阿托品治療看來是安全的,但長遠而言,亦有可能出現副作用,例如調節麻痹(導致提早出現老花)及瞳孔擴大(導致晶狀體及視網膜受到紫外光損害)等。

“ atropine is a non - selective anti - muscarinic blocker that produces effect on the ciliary muscle causing loss of accommodation , on the iris tissue causing pupil dilatation and on the fibrous tissue of the sclera causing less elongation of the eye ball , “ professor lam said ( anti - muscarinicblocker )的藥物,能抑制鞏膜纖維組織生長從而減慢眼球拉長,但同時亦會麻醉眼睫肌,令眼晴不能自動調節焦點,也會擴大瞳孔,引致眼晴不適。

Objective to explore the mechanism of visceral nociceptive sensation of neurons in anterior cingulate gyrus ( acg ) on the cell level and the effect of atropine on visceral nociceptive evoked responses of acg neurons to stimulating contralateral greater splanchnic nerve ( gsn ) 摘要目的觀察阿托品對扣帶回前部神經元內臟痛覺誘發反應的影響,從神經元水平探討扣帶回前部神經元在內臟痛覺感受中的作用及其機制。

The dovs of cuhk has conducted a study investigating the safety and efficacy of using atropine eye ointment to reduce or arrest myopia progression in hong kong children with moderate to high myopia . the results are very encouraging 香港中文大學眼科及視覺科學系進行了一項研究,驗證阿托品眼藥膏在患有中度至高度近視的兒童身上的安全性及效用,研究結果令人鼓舞。

Atropine is worth considering in children at higher risk of developing high myopia , for example , higher degree of myopia at young age , rapid progression of myopia , family history of severe myopia and so on 對于很有可能患上高度近視的兒童,例如幼年時已患較深的近視、近視迅速加深、有患嚴重近視的家族歷史等等,阿托品是一個值得考慮的選擇。

“ atropine is a kind of eye dropointment that can prevent excessive growth of the sclera , thus causing less elongation of the eye ball , “ said dr . dorothy fan shu ping , associate professor of the dovs of cuhk 香港中文大學眼科及視覺科學系副教授范舒屏醫生指出:阿托品是一種能防止鞏膜纖維層過度生長的眼藥膏,從而可以減少眼球拉長。

Professor lam said similar eye drops , like atropine , had been in use but its side effects such as pupil dilation and loss of accommodation have made it not popular 林順潮教授指出,過去也有類似的眼藥水如阿托品( atropine ) ,但因為會引起擴大瞳孔及眼睫肌麻醉等副作用,故未被廣泛使用。

Effect of shenmai injection with atropine , dopamine on slow arrhythmia and hypotension in patients with right ventricle infarction 參麥注射液協同阿托品多巴胺對合并急性右室心肌梗死患者緩慢心律失常及低血壓的治療作用

Observation of analgesic effects of propofol , ketamine and atropine administered jointly on the procedure of surgical ligation of fallopian tubes 異丙酚聯合氯胺酮及阿托品在輸卵管絕育術中的應用

Important examples in human use are quinine , nicotine , atropine , opium , morphine , codeine , and strychnine 人類廣泛應用的生物堿有奎寧,煙堿,阿托品,鴉片,嗎啡,可待因等。

Managed to get him home . under veterinary advice we gave him warm baths , intravenous fluids and atropine 在獸醫的指示下,我們為佐治浸暖水浴進行靜脈注射及注射阿托品。

In addition , the evoked responses could be inhibited by intralateroventricular microinjection of atropine 側腦室注射阿托品抑制扣帶回前部神經元內臟痛覺誘發反應。

Clinical observation of atropine and wintermine in the treatment of hemoptysis of pulmonary tuberculosis 阿托品加氯丙嗪治療肺結核咯血33例療效觀察