
atrocity n.1.兇惡,殘忍;暴虐。2.暴行。3.〔口語〕令人不愉...

Li sarung : “ her atrocity means that i must be similiar to her , i must lose the love of my husband ' s as well ! 李薩靈: “他的暴行無非是為了讓我感同身受,我注定也要失去丈夫的關愛! ”


With a recent wave of features and documentaries bringing awareness to this atrocity , the most commercially successful of these is 入圍角逐奧斯卡影帝的當哲度在慘劇現場演繹真心英雄,向西方的冷漠發出最有力的批判。

China and south korea have long criticised japan for allowing some ( in reality rather few ) school textbooks that gloss over its wartime atrocities 中韓長期批評一些日本敷衍戰爭罪行的歷史教科書問題(事實很少) 。

I was watching john this afternoon reading that awful book on the nazi atrocities and he was positively licking his lips over them 今天下午我看到約翰在讀那本有關納粹黨暴行的嚇人的書,而且他還看得津津有味哩!

Assuefaction minorates atrocities as tully saith of his darling stoics and hamlet his father showeth the prince no blister of combustion 對暴虐習以為常,遂麻木不仁矣正如塔爾86關于親愛的斯多葛派所云。

For a while i failed to understand how anyone could be so devoid of feeling as to commit such atrocities against gods creatures 有一段時間,我想不通為何有人會這么麻木無情,如此殘酷地對待上帝所造的眾生。

It cannot be supposed that rastoptchin had scared them with tales of the atrocities perpetrated by napoleon in the countries he conquered 切不可以為,是拉斯托普欽用拿破侖在被占領土制造的暴行嚇壞了他們。

Yet its refusal to press the serbs to end their atrocities in kosovo prompted nato to go to war for the first time 然而,俄羅斯拒絕迫使塞爾維亞人結束其在科索沃的屠殺行動促使北約第一次出兵作戰。

Similar atrocities have happened in countries with much stricter laws ? at dunblane in scotland in 1996 and in erfurt , in germany , in 2002 接連不斷慘劇的發生,致使民眾紛紛指責松散的槍支法。

On the anti - semitism atrocity in eastern europe and jewish immigration wave to the us at the turning point of 19th century to 20th century 20世紀之交東歐的反猶暴行與猶太人遷居美國的浪潮

How many will it take in human form to forgive the atrocities of the past in order for love to be reborn in human relations 人類需要多少代價才能寬恕過去的暴行,讓愛在人類關系中重生呢?

Li sarung : “ her atrocity means that i must be similiar to her , i must lose the love of my husband ' s as well ! 李薩靈: “他的暴行無非是為了讓我感同身受,我注定也要失去丈夫的關愛! ”

The incident comes amid lingering tensions between china and japan over world war ii atrocities 中國與日本為了2次世界大戰期間的暴行,兩國關系持續緊張,現在又發生此一事件。

China and south korea say the shrine glorifies japan ' s military atrocities in the region during world war two 中國和韓國說,靖國神社美化了日本在二次世界大戰期間的暴行。

An investigation into atrocities in a fourth , as yet unnamed , country is due to be announced soon 另一起調查是針對發生在某國(尚未透露)的暴行,結果將在不久后公布。

The owners said their attention was not to glorify hitler or his atrocities but to attract more business 店主解釋,取該名字的本意是多吸引顧客,而絕非贊美希特勒。

These demonic atrocities have been seen in many regions of sanctuary and within the western kingdoms 這些惡魔般的暴行已經在王國西部及很多地區的庇護所發生。

Description of the relationship between the japanese soldiers ' atrocity act in china and the loss of the chinese population 侵華日軍的暴行與中國人口損失述略

Malaysia : exposing the atrocities in sujiatun concentration camp at a lawyers conference photos 向馬國律師界揭露蘇家屯殺人集中營黑幕圖