
atrocious adj.1.兇暴的,殘忍的,萬惡的。2.〔口語〕糟透的。...

Increasing scale of integration and consumption of power has led to the significant increase in power densities encountered in modern electronic equipment . if we do not pay attention to the thermal management of electronic equipment , the large amount of heat generated by the electronic device would not be under the control . especially in some atrocious surroundings , some devices “ working temperature would exceed the rated temperature limit and lead to deteriorate the system stabilization or even make the hole system disabled 現代電子設備的集成度不斷提高、功耗不斷加大,使得熱流密度急劇上升,如果我們在設計階段不注重電子設備的散熱設計,那么元件所產生的熱流將得不到有效控制,特別是在工作環境比較惡劣或電子設備比較復雜的情況下某些元件的工作溫度就有可能上升到導致整個電子系統的工作不穩定乃至失效。


On the basis of describing the situation of current logging technology and considering the atrocious environment and the superiority of video imaging well - logging , the logging system consists of hardware and software sub - system in this paper . according to the objective condition of logging , the design of hardware has taken special treatments : high - temperature - proof protection with particular equipment for the whole circuit , video collection with ccd , temperature signal gathering by pt resistance and v / f transform , depth measurement through photoelectric encoder and jitter elimination circuit 在系統的硬件設計中,針對油田測井的客觀環境,進行了特殊處理:對整體測量電路采用特種裝備進行耐高溫保護;對井下的視頻信號采用ccd攝像頭進行采集;對井下溫度信號利用鉑電阻和v f變換實現采集;對深度信號采用光電碼盤及去抖電路進行精確測量。

The dynamics of a tractor - implement combination were complex in the atrocious working environment and fluky work status . a lot of components were not assured . the system had an evident non - linearity problem about large inertial and response lag due to its machine and hydraulic structure 拖拉機作業機組在作業過程中,作業環境比較惡劣,作業工況復雜多變,其動力學問題很復雜,不確定性成分較多,此外,機組的機液結構系統慣性較大,響應滯后等非線性問題突出。

In the midst of them , the hangman , ever busy and ever worse than useless , was in constant requisition ; now , stringing up long rows of miscellaneous criminals ; now , hanging a house - breaker on saturday who had been taken on tuesday ; now , burning people in the hand at newgate by the dozen , and now burning pamphlets at the door of westminster hall ; to - day , taking the life of an atrocious murderer , and to - morrow of a wretched pilferer who had robbed a farmer s boy of sixpence 他們有時把各色各樣的罪犯一大排一大排地掛起來。有時星期二抓住的強盜,星期六就絞死有時就在新門監獄把囚犯成打成打地用火刑燒死有時又在西敏寺大廳門前焚燒小冊子。今天處決一個窮兇極惡的殺人犯,明天殺死一個只搶了農家孩子六便士的可憐的小偷。

Increasing scale of integration and consumption of power has led to the significant increase in power densities encountered in modern electronic equipment . if we do not pay attention to the thermal management of electronic equipment , the large amount of heat generated by the electronic device would not be under the control . especially in some atrocious surroundings , some devices “ working temperature would exceed the rated temperature limit and lead to deteriorate the system stabilization or even make the hole system disabled 現代電子設備的集成度不斷提高、功耗不斷加大,使得熱流密度急劇上升,如果我們在設計階段不注重電子設備的散熱設計,那么元件所產生的熱流將得不到有效控制,特別是在工作環境比較惡劣或電子設備比較復雜的情況下某些元件的工作溫度就有可能上升到導致整個電子系統的工作不穩定乃至失效。

The unique pattern of campus in northwest is formed by custom , regional feature , and requirements of space users . after investigation and analysis based on this principle , the author summarize the character and limitation in campus , and bring up caused by atrocious weather of northwest china 基于這一原則,通過對西北地區高校的調研,筆者總結了校園環境中各部分的特點和使用中不盡人意的地方,并發現一些西北地區惡劣氣候造成的環境使用障礙。

Research on the relation and taking preventive measures could eliminate negative effect on traffic safety owing to atrocious weather , which makes important sense to prevention and decrease of traffic accidents 研究惡劣氣候與交通安全之間的內在聯系,采取有針對性的預防措施,從而消除惡劣氣候對交通安全的消極影響,對于預防和減少交通事故有著十分重要的意義。

But in the real navigation , ship will suffer from the influence of wind , wave and current . furthermore , most of the maritime accidents are often happened in the atrocious weather condition , supported by the hurricane and storm 但是船舶在實際航行中,則要遇到風、浪和流的影響,而且許多海難事故常常發生在惡劣的海況下,往往伴有狂風和暴雨。

And ironically - for i m a bit of a cheenah myself . my cheenah history isn t exactly glowing . but it s glorious enough to draw gasps of shock , especially after people hear my atrocious mandarin today 諷刺的是,我本身也有點cheenah .我的cheenah歷史不算光輝,但已“耀眼”得足以讓人驚訝尤其是聽了我糟透了的華語之后。

On their way they encountered tremendous difficulties , but they struggled bravely and persistently , such as climbing arduous mountains , rushing dangerous shoals , fighting with atrocious waves , and so on 他們一路闖險灘、戰惡浪、攀陡壁、跨山澗、與大自然艱難地搏擊,盡顯古代巴氏民族英勇剽悍不畏艱難的英雄本色。

I remember a group of locals and malaysians , apparently competent english speakers , having a whale of a time laughing at a japanese speaker ' s atrocious english at an international conference 我記得在一次國際會議上,有一名日本發言者的英語糟糕透頂,惹得一群看來英語說得不錯的本地人和馬來西亞人笑得個不亦樂乎。

Mr dance , said the squire , you are a very noble fellow . and as for riding down that black , atrocious miscreant , i regard it as an act of virtue , sir , like stamping on a cockroach “丹斯先生, ”鄉紳說, “你是個非常高尚的人,至于騎馬踩倒了那個黑心的殘暴的惡徒,我認為是個壯舉,先生,就像踩死一只蟑螂。

The mankind eliminate those the most atrocious illnesses , the hope that waits like aids , avian flu and sars , all without exception is placed be being invented and make effective vaccinal body go up 人類把消滅那些最兇惡的疾病,如艾滋病、禽流感和非典型肺炎等的希望,無不寄托在發明和制造有效的疫苗身上。

Support funds , massively attended memorial services and a major free festival to celebrate the spirit of london have all followed in the wake of july s atrocious events 在七月份的殘酷恐怖襲擊事件發生之后,倫敦市民開始踴躍募捐,紛紛參加悼念儀式并且組織了一個大型的免費音樂會以發揚倫敦精神。

She boxed the ears of the silvas who crowded about the visitors on the tiny front porch , and in more than usual atrocious english tried to apologize for her appearance 在小小的前門門廊邊西爾伐家的孩子往客人身邊亂擠,她就扇他們耳光,然后又以可怕得出奇的英語為自己的外表致歉。

In the afternoon she expressed some anxiety , for georges , directly after leaving the table , had complained of a heavy feeling in his head and now seemed in for an atrocious sick headache 下午,她感到焦慮不安,喬治剛剛離席時,就說頭腦發沉,似乎慢慢地變成劇烈的偏頭痛。

This is an atrocious design decision , roughly equivalent to leaving a sledgehammer next to the server machine so that people can bash the hard disks with it every once in a while 這是一個很兇悍的設計思想,粗糙的等于拿一個大的錘子讓人們可以在硬盤旋轉中去敲打服務器。

Hindley is a detestable substitute - his conduct to heathcliff is atrocious - h . and i are going to rebel - we took our initiatory step this evening 欣德利是一個非常討厭的替代品他對希斯克利夫的態度非常粗暴希和我準備反抗我們今天晚上會進行第一步。

Alston shot an atrocious 37 . 9 % from the floor and just 32 . 7 % from three - point country , marking his fourth straight year of decline from beyond the arc 街霸糟糕到讓人難以忍受的37 . 9 %的投籃命中率和32 . 7 %的三分球命中率,與之伴隨著的是四年中又一年的命中率下降。