
atrium n.(pl. -tria )1.(羅馬建筑內部的)中庭。...

“ besides the halls , “ said mrs lai , “ we used the pleasant and naturally lit atrium link 1 黎太表示:除了展覽廳外,我們亦充份利用了天橋走廊


This building has a 3 - floor atrium in the middle , at proper proportion and with sufficient sunshine 建筑物中有三層樓高的中庭,比例得當,日光充足。

The glass facade of its public atrium averages 40 m high and offers spectacular views 其環繞各層大堂的玻璃幕墻平均高40米,海港壯麗景致盡收眼簾。

Www . at - golf . com copyright 2002 - 2006 operated by atrium travel limited travel licence 352612 瀚田旅游有限公司旅游牌照號碼352612版權所有不得轉載

Please enter harbour road entrance , proceed through atrium , follow traders signage ; or 請使用港灣道入口,經天橋走廊,依隨商悅餐廳之標志指引;或

“ besides the halls , “ said mrs lai , “ we used the pleasant and naturally lit atrium link 1 黎太表示:除了展覽廳外,我們亦充份利用了天橋走廊

In the atrium 在中廳里

Thus , the smoke management system , adopted in atria , has been posed 因而,中庭煙氣管理系統這一有針對性的消防技術也就應運而生。

This will be consultative for fireproof design and will be useful for real atrium 這對實際的中庭防火設計與審核工作具有參考作用。

Spontaneous rupture of right cardiac atrium : report of two cases and review of literature 自發性右心房破裂的診斷與治療附2例報告

Numerical simulation of thermal environment in atrium buildings with natural ventilation 自然通風作用下中庭建筑熱環境的數值模擬

Located within the atrium lobby overlooking the lake , garden and park 位于大堂中心,您可遠眺碧波蕩漾的湖水及秀美的園林風景。

Atrium meatus nasi medii 鼻中道前房

L - acg left atria - cardiogram 左心房搏動圖

Designer should consider the elevation scheme of the 2nd floor atrium space 設計師要重點考慮二樓中庭封閉的處理方案。

Government gives policy support to tdc s atrium link extension proposal 政府政策上支援貿發局擴展會展中心中庭通道建議

The department of mysteries is accessed via the lifts from the atrium 神秘事務司必須通過中庭的電梯才能到達入口。

Left atria - cardiogram abbr . l - acg 左心房搏動圖

Installation of temporary marine piles for hkcec new atrium link extension 安裝臨時海樁以興建會展新中庭擴建部分