
atonal adj.無調的,不成調的。n.-ism ,-ist n....


“ good for you , a . j ” , she said . “ you ' re experimenting in atonal compositions “這對你有好處, a . j , ”她說, “你是在嘗試創作無調性的曲子吧。 ”

The majority always turn an unfavorable attitude towards atonal composition 大多數人對無調性作品的態度往往是不能接受的。

Sports facilitate the forming and the enhsm4ng of atonal the identities 摘要體育在國家認同形成與強化中具有重要的功能。

Atonal composition or the theory of atonal composition 無調性風格樂曲,無調性風格學說

There is great atonal music and terrible atonal music . 無調性音樂中既有宏偉動人之作,又有糟得嚇人之作。