
atman n.〔梵語〕1.靈魂,自我。2.〔A-〕宇宙的靈魂。

The yoga system lays down elaborate prescriptions for gradually gaining physical and mental control and mastery over the “ personal self “ , both body and mind , until one ' s consciousness has intensified sufficiently to allow for the awareness of one ' s “ real self “ ( the soul , or atman ) , as distinct from one ' s feelings , thoughts and actions 瑜伽體系是放下詳細描述的指示,逐漸地開糟身體和精神上的控制,掌握“個人的自我” ,不僅是身體,而且還有精神,直到一個人的知覺已經充分地得到強化,允許一個人能夠知曉一個“真實的自己” (靈魂或阿特曼) ,與一個人的感覺,思想和行動截然不同。


The yoga system lays down elaborate prescriptions for gradually gaining physical and mental control and mastery over the “ personal self “ , both body and mind , until one ' s consciousness has intensified sufficiently to allow for the awareness of one ' s “ real self “ ( the soul , or atman ) , as distinct from one ' s feelings , thoughts and actions 瑜伽體系是放下詳細描述的指示,逐漸地開糟身體和精神上的控制,掌握“個人的自我” ,不僅是身體,而且還有精神,直到一個人的知覺已經充分地得到強化,允許一個人能夠知曉一個“真實的自己” (靈魂或阿特曼) ,與一個人的感覺,思想和行動截然不同。

It is well known that growth of plants is stimulated by environment , such as windows and stress . the stress induced growth is a concern problem all along by biologist , physicist and mechanical scientist . professor feng yuanzhen who is an exploiter about biomechanics said the relationship between stress and growth is a live atman of biomechanics 植物生長在自然界中,必然會受到各種外界環境包括機械應力的刺激,因此生長和應力的關系一直是生物學家、物理學家和力學家所關心的課題,生物力學的開拓者之一馮元楨先生說過, “應力?生長關系是生物力學的活的靈魂” ,對植物生物力學的研究也是如此。

A description of all of the characteristics and attributes of ganesha can be found in the ganapati upanishad ( an upanishad dedicated to ganesha ) of the rishi atharva , in which ganesha is identified with brahman and atman 甘尼薩的所有特征和屬性的描繪可以屬于圣人阿闥婆《甘尼薩奧義書》 (一本奉獻于甘尼薩的奧義書)找到,里面的甘尼薩被看成是與婆羅門和阿特曼一樣。

It also utilizes the brahman / atman terminology and concepts that are found in the upanishads , thus breaking from the samkhya school by adopting concepts of vedantic monism 奧義書上也利用婆羅門/阿特曼(靈魂)的術語和概念,從而通過采用吠陀的一元論而從數論學派中分裂出來。

16 when , through knowledge of the atman , one ceases to desire any manifestation of nature , then that is the highest kind of non - attachment 一旦認識阿特曼,人對自然的任何表象都無欲無求,這就是最高的不執。

The katha - upanishad , through the story of nachiketa , discussed death and the permanence of the soul ( atman ) 卡塔奧義書,通過尼茲卡塔的故事,論述了死亡與靈魂(生命的本源,自我)的持久性。

They all speak to the realization of the atman as being nothing other than the infinite brahman 它們都說是實現阿特曼,因為除了無限的婆羅門以外,并無其他。

Atman or the self cannot be defined in words , but can be experienced through intuition 神我或自性不能用言語來界定,但可以通過直覺來經驗。

Mind is not self - luminous . it borrows light from the atman or the supreme self 內心不是自明的,它的光輝來自神我或至高的自性。

Atman who is one and immutable by nature seems to have assumed innumerable forms 神我是唯一的,不變的,但卻擁有無數的形象。

Eradication of vasana results in atman - jnana or self knowledge 習氣的清除,帶來的結果是神我的智慧或自性的知識。

Atman or the supreme self is god 神我或至高的自性就是神。