
atlantic adj.1.大西洋的。2.巨人阿特拉斯 (Atlas) ...

atlantic charter

Perhaps the only surprising feature is that it has taken so long to establish itself on the british side of the atlantic . 唯一不同尋常之處是,它花了如此之久的時間方在大西洋英國這一邊扎了根。

By 1968 the shift in the foundations of our atlantic relationship had produced evident disappointment and anxiety . 到了1968年,我們的大西洋關系基礎的改變,引起了明顯的失望和焦慮情緒。

His bitterness did not keep him from pursuing his commitment to a new initiative in atlantic relations . 盡管這件事使他很惱火,但卻沒有影響他履行在大西洋關系上采取主動行動的諾言。

Such a reflecting layer, together with the sea, could channel radio waves from one side of the atlantic ocean to other . 這種反射層和海洋一起,能把無線電波從大西洋的此岸送到彼岸。

For a time the enemy's activity was dispersed over the remote wastes of the south atlantic and indian oceans . 有一個時期,敵人的活動分布在南大西洋遙遠的荒地和印度洋的海面。

In 1927 the successful flight of lindbergh across the atlantic ocean caught the imagination of the entire world . 一九二七年,林白架駛飛機飛越大西洋成功,震驚了全世界。

Roosevelt, moreover, dispatched the u.s.a. nashville to colon, on the atlantic side of the isthmus . 另外,羅斯福還把美國艦只“納什維爾”號調往地峽大西洋那一邊的科隆。

European unification was absorbing more of their energies and dedication than the elaboration of atlantic institutions . 實現歐洲聯合比健全大西洋組織機構更為費力費神。

An illustration of the tempo of the battle of the atlantic in 1941 is afforded by the meetings of this committee . 委員會開會的次數,足以表明1941年大西洋戰役的步調。

Only one person was allowed on board each yacht and he had to sail it single-handed across the atlantic ocean . 每艘快艇上只準一個人,并由這個人單獨駕駛橫渡大西洋。

It seemed obvious that the curvature of the earth across the atlantic would prevent this idea . 橫跨大西洋的地球弧度會使這個想法不能實現,這似乎是顯而易見的。

A long rail trip and an atlantic crossing could knot him all up and maybe disable him . 乘火車長途旅行,加上橫渡大西洋,可能把他拖垮了,說不定就此落得個殘廢。

And the atlantic headwinds were roaring their icy throats out at other scared men . 大西洋上的狂風怒號,向著那另一些失魂落魄的人們發出一聲聲冷酷無情的咆哮。

The pacific ocean occupies nearly an entire hemisphere and is roughly twice the size of the atlantic . 太平洋幾乎占據了整個半球,而且大約是大西洋的二倍。

They found huge underwater mud-flow and avalanche deposits on both sides of the atlantic ocean . 他們發現在大西洋兩邊都有巨大的水下泥流和冰崩沉積跡象。

The northern atlantic coastal plain was narrow, and much of the land was hilly and stony . 北部大西洋沿岸平原狹窄,相當大一部分土地是山地、石頭地。

In 1927, a man named lindbergh became the first person to solo across the atlantic ocean . 1927年,有個叫林白的人,成為第一個單飛越過大西洋的人。

But unfortunately a lot of our stuff is ending up these days at the bottom of the atlantic . 但不幸的是我們的許多物質最近都沉落到大西洋底去了。

Today enough soundings are available to enable a relief map of the atlantic to be drawn . 今天可以得到足夠的水深資料來繪制大西洋的海底地形圖。