
atheroma n.( pl. atheromas, -mata ) 【...


Compared with the observed result in clinical experience , atheroma often occurs at the place where the wss is greater and less , this experience is corroborated by the result obtained in the numerical simulation , that is to say , where the higher or the lower the wss is , where it is more possible for atherosclerosis to take place 因此,在建立幾何精確建模和方程求解上可以節省相當的時間和精力,并能使一部分工作得到簡化,所以能夠克服通常編程時一些細節上的煩雜,將主要精力放到計算結果的后處理和結果的分析上,以便為;臨床提供更多有價值的結果。

This high magnification of the atheroma shows numerous foam cells and an occasional cholesterol cleft . a few dark blue inflammatory cells are scattered within the atheroma 圖示:動脈粥樣硬化高倍鏡顯示多量泡沫細胞,偶見膽固醇結晶(棱狀空隙) 。一些暗藍色的炎細胞散在分布于粥樣硬化病灶內。

This is a high magnification of the aortic atheroma with foam cells and cholesterol clefts 高倍顯示動脈粥樣硬化時的膽固醇結晶和泡沫細胞。

Complex atheroma have calcification , thrombosis , or hemorrhage 常見的復合病變有鈣化、血栓形成、出血等。

Cholesterol clefts are numerous in this atheroma 有大量的膽固醇結晶。