
at 短語和例子AT,A.T. =1.Air Transpor...


We stood at the window and watched the snow . 我們站在窗口欣賞雪景。

I am not in her good graces at the moment . 我此刻尚未討得她的歡心。

He peered at me through thick glasses . 他透過厚厚的眼鏡片盯看著我。

It is fed into the grid at this voltage . 它是以這種電壓饋入電力網。

Take the left side fork at the crossroads . 到十字路口走左邊的岔道。

Val did come like a shot at six o'clock . 六點鐘,法爾飛一般地來了。

Two hundred odd were present at the meeting . 到會人數二百掛零兒。

What does your share of the bonus work out at ? 算出你的紅利是多少?

The whole world seemed to be at the party . 聚會上好像每個人都來了。

My father took his place at the head of the table . 我父親坐在上首。

I 'm a newcomer and no good at flattery . 我是新來的,又不會獻殷勤。

I will have a go at mending your bike today . 我今天修修你的自行車。

The trees were planted at 20 feet intervals . 樹的間隔為避免20英尺。

The whole office was at her wedding . 公司的全部職員參加了她的婚禮。

At that time i wore my hair in two braids . 那時我的頭發梳兩條辮子。

Do n't profit yourself at the expense of others . 不要占他人的便宜。

The banker was laughing at his simplicity . 銀行家被他的直率逗笑了。

It must be very difficult at sea, too . 海上的日子想必也很不好過吧。

Mr. winkle looked up at the declining orb . 文克爾先生抬頭看看落日。