
asynchronism n.1.時間不一致,非同時性。2.【電學】異步。


First1y , by moving and circumrotating coordinate switching the comp1ex model of tri - - phase ac asynchronism motor to magnetization - torque two axeses , the physica1 mode1 of ac motor is transformed mode1 of dc motor approximate1y , it is convenience to contro1 the motor 首先,經過坐標的平移和旋轉變換,將原三相交流異步電機的復雜模型轉換到m - t ( magnetization - torque )兩軸旋轉坐標系上,將交流電機的物理模型等效地變換成近似于直流電動機的模型,為控制帶來方便。

The major work is as following : the main problem that the encrypt subsystem of hospitalization insurance system is analyzed , and the scheme using dsp technology to realize encrypt arithmetic is brought out . the data encrypt card using dsp chip , pci interface chip , asynchronism fifo chip and epld that realize the control of the data encrypt card is designed and implemented 主要做了以下幾方面工作: ( 1 )分析了醫療保險信息系統加密子系統需要解決的主要問題,提出了采用dsp技術實現加解密算法的數據加密卡解決方案; ( 2 )數據加解密卡的硬件設計和實現。

In order to increase the utilization of transformer core and reduce the number of transformers , the two - transisteor integrated - magnetics forward converter is studied in this paper . the phenomena about magnetic deviation due to asynchronism of duty cycle and other parameters is analyed , and the converter works normally although there is magnetic deviation . the working principle of circling current is analyed , and a improving circuit is present to decrease the circling current 分析了雙管正激磁集成變換器的環流產生機理,提出了一種減小環流的方法;研究了占空比等參數不一致導致的磁芯偏磁問題,磁芯存在單向磁化現象,但不會出現單向磁飽和,變換器仍能穩定工作。

Combining characteristics of mobile database technologies with traditional duplication methods of distributed databases , b - adr solution realizes the bi - asynchronism data replication between mobile clients and servers with sql server transaction - logs - tables and data broadcasting technologies . there are two links in this solution . as for the up link , it replicates from mobile clients to servers by sql server transaction - logs - tables B - adr將傳統分布式系統的數據復制方法與移動數據庫系統的特點相結合,利用基于分布式關系數據庫的事務日志表和數據廣播技術,來實現移動客戶端和服務器端后臺數據庫系統間的雙向異步復制。

By adopting the layered architecture , two - lever state machine , message queue based publish / subscribe pattern and rules expressed in xml , by using technologies involved in activex , xml and distributed components , icall - aldp provides application developer with supports as rule - based flow process , asynchronism and concurrent message process , external system communication - oriented protocol - transform , and dynamic expand of components 通過使用activex控件的動態加載機制、連接外部系統的通信協議轉換機制和基于元數據的柔性機制,增強了平臺的可擴展性。在設計和實現中采用了activex 、 xml 、設計模式以及分布式構件等技術,實現了基于規則的流程處理、支持并發與異步的消息處理以及構件動態擴展的功能。

With the background of studying copper alloy bar for asynchronism traction electromotor , a kind of copper bar and its preparation techniques are developed , and its hardness , tensile properties , electrical properties and microstructure are studied . furthermore , the rule of structure and properties changing with heat - treatment is especially illustrated . the results show : the first , there is obvious aging strengthening effect in cu - 10zn - 0 . 8 ( cr , zr ) alloy 論文以城市輕軌列車異步牽引電機用銅合金導條為研究背景,研究開發了cu - 10zn - 0 . 8 ( cr , zr )合命導條的制備工藝,測試了導條的硬度、拉伸力學性能和導電性能,觀察了導條的金相組織和電鏡顯微組織,重點研究了時效處理對導條組織、力學性能和導電性能的影響,得出了導條組織、性能隨時效溫度和時效時間變化的規律。

As a more flexible and complex mobile computing environment , mobile database comes into existence . nowadays how to construct a mobile database based on traditional distributed database technologies , which can adapt the wireless environment , has been a new direction to database researches the thesis particularly studies the status of mobile database , the thesis firstly discusses architectures , characteristics , some key technologies . and the thesis presents a data consistency maintenance solution based on bi - asynchronism data replication technology ( b - adr ) , which well maintains data consistency in mobile database environment 論文對移動數據庫技術的發展現狀進行了廣泛論證,深入研究了移動計算環境下的分布式系統,移動數據庫的典型系統模型,討論了移動數據庫系統體系結構、特點及其應用前景,移動數據庫的關鍵技術,并針對數據復制創造性的提出了一種基于雙向異步復制的數據一致性解決方案( b - adr ) ,較好的解決了移動數據庫領域的數據一致性問題。

Besides , this paper studies the wireless optical code division multiple access ( w - ocdma ) technology whereas its anti - jamming , security and asynchronism . based on the w - ocdma communication technology , we analyzes ocdma mac protocol , studies the protocol theory , access mechanism in detail , and models the throughput performance , simulates and analyzes the performance ( 3 )鑒于無線光碼分多址( wirelessopticalcodedivisionmultipleaccess , w - ocdma )技術的抗干擾、保密和隨機異步接入的優點,本文分析了基于ocdma接入的無線光局域網mac協議,闡述了協議原理和接入機制,用馬爾可夫模型對吞吐量性能進行了建模和仿真計算。

Considering the np - complete problem , how to get the approximate optimized scheme of job - shop scheduling , and aimed at improving the efficiency of products and taking good advantage of concurrence , asynchronism , distributing and juxtaposition in multi - products and devices processing , we could divide the working procedures into the attached one which has the only precursor and subsequence and unattached one by analyzing working flow chart of job - shop , that is the working procedures are divided into two types , then the bf and the ff methods about memory scheduling in os are applied , therefore a new approximate optimized scheme is presented in the paper which could solve the common job - shop scheduling . namely , the acpm and the bfsm are applied to the classified and grouped working procedures considering the compact of the procedures and practical examples approved it . the results we analyzing and tested show that it is better than the heuristic algorithm common used , for less restriction terms , more satisfying algorithm complexity and better optimized results 針對job - shop調度問題求最優解算法這一npc問題,本文以充分發揮多產品、多設備加工所具有并發性、異步性、分布性和并行性的加工優勢,從而提高產品的加工效率為目標,對job - shop調度問題的工藝圖進行適當分解,使工序在一定時間段或是為具有唯一緊前、緊后相關工序或是為獨立工序,即將工序分兩類,再結合操作系統中內存調度的最佳適應( bf )調度方法和首次適應( ff )調度方法的先進思想,通過分析提出了一種解決一般job - shop調度問題的全新近優解方案:在考慮關鍵設備上工序盡量緊湊的前提下,將工序分類、對這兩類工序分批采用擬關鍵路徑法( acpm )和最佳適應調度方法( bfsm )安排工序的算法,用實例加以驗證,并給出結果甘特圖。

To be used flexibly in wireless access networks , and get balance of compression efficiency and robustness , this project implements assistant functions , including the three compression modes and transitions between them , compression states and decompression states , and making use of feedback mechanism to make a communication bridge between compressor and de - compressor . because this project will use on wireless links , packets loss on it will induce the asynchronisms between the context of de - compressor and compressor and lead to errors in decompression 同時,為了rohc在無線接入網中的靈活應用,并且保證較高的壓縮效率和較好的健壯性,課題同時實現了rohc所提供的豐富的輔助功能,如完整實現u 、 o 、 r三種模式及模式之間的互換;分別完整實現壓縮及解壓縮三種狀態的轉換;合理利用反饋機制,以加強壓縮方與解壓縮方之間的溝通等。

Meanwhile , regarding to the network communication status , the data exchange solution of crtvudoeaams adopts two ways : the non - permanence and synchronization way and the permanence and asynchronism way 同時考慮到網絡的通信狀況,教務管理系統的數據交換解決方案采用非持久同步和持久異步兩種方式。

According to the study of frequency - conversion technology , it is available to convert the speed of asynchronism motor , adopting ac - dc - ac transducer , realizing to convert the speed 通過對變頻調速技術的研究,利用變頻技術對異步電動機進行調速是可行的。

The instrument communicate with upper compute in asynchronism serial communication . the relevant communication protocol are used for control - data and time - data 采用rs232串行方式與上位機之間通訊,并且控制數據和實時數據采用不同種通訊協議來進行傳輸。

We analyze the cause of asynchronism in video surveillance and propose a method in which target buffer chains are employed to synchronize target features virtually 文章分析了視頻監控網絡中數據不同步的原因,提出了使用目標緩沖池鏈進行虛擬同步的方法。

The non - permanence and synchronization way solution adopts hbwsp . the permanence and asynchronism way solution exchanges data after save data into files of binary format 非持久同步方式采用hbwsp ;持久異步方式把數據保存成二進制文件后進行數據交換。

At last , a three - layer structure of processing target features is presented to solve the problem of asynchronism in video surveillance network system 在此基礎上討論了對目標特征數據進行處理的三層結構,解決了視頻監控網絡系統中的數據不同步問題。

Firstly , bottle of topology discovey speed is discussed , then asynchronism and multi - thread are used to quicken discovery process 首先,本文討論了網絡拓撲發現速度的瓶頸,提出了一套行之有效的方法。

The high power density asynchronism mater produces loss in movement , which causes the internal temperature of mater rising very high 摘要高功率密度異步電動機在運行中產生損耗,引起電動機溫升很高。

Recently , people are doing wide studies on asynchronism transfer mode ( atm ) and passive optical network ( pon ) 近年來,人們對異步轉移模式( atm )和無源光網絡( pon )進行了廣泛研究。