
asymptote n.【數學】漸近線。

An asymptote is a line or curve that approaches a given curve arbitrarily closely 所以漸近線也可能是一條曲線。不過方便起見我們都討論漸近“線“ 。


The mathematical programming methods , both the method of moving asymptotes ( mma ) belonging to convex programming methods and the sequential linear programming method ( slp ) , were used to solving optimization problems 用移動漸進線方法( mma )求解單目標優化問題,用序列線性規劃方法( slp )求解模糊目標混合規劃問題。

Using his data from 1830 - 1995 with statistics , the hyperbola and its asymptotes , he estimated 47 new ( species ) of sea monsters are still undiscovered 帕克斯頓利用統計學、雙曲線以及它的漸近線,分析他收集的1830年與1995年之間的數據,估計還有47種新海洋怪獸有待我們去發現。

A new method on seeking asymptote is given by applying the relation between secant and asymptote , this method is helpful to train creativity of students 摘要利用曲線割線的極限得到曲線的漸近線,給出了求漸近線的一種新方法。這種方法直觀性強,有助于培養學生的創新能力。

This fact may be counterintuitive - it seems reasonable to suppose that you would reach an asymptote once almost all the english words had been included 這個事實可能與我們的直覺相反認為一旦全部包括了幾乎所有的英文單詞,您就可以一勞永逸,這似乎很合乎情理。

An asymptote is a line or curve that approaches a given curve arbitrarily closely 所以漸近線也可能是一條曲線。不過方便起見我們都討論漸近“線“ 。

Centroid of asymptotes 漸近線的形心

A new method on seeking asymptote of plane curve 求平面曲線漸近線的一種新方法

A new method of no perpendicular asymptote to curve 曲線非鉛直漸進線的一種求法

A hyperbola approaches but does not meet its asymptote . 雙曲線逐漸接近它的漸近線但不相交。