
asymptomatic adj.【醫學】無癥狀的。

They add that their data shows asymptomatic atherosclerosis should be treated “ aggressiely . 他們說其實驗數據表明無癥狀動脈粥樣硬化(動粥)應進行積極治療。


The fact that infected people can shed virus before symptoms appear adds to the risk of international spread via asymptomatic air travellers 這是由于引起流感的病毒可通過噴嚏和咳嗽迅速傳播。

However , asymptomatic infected persons may shed the virus in faeces and hence transmit to susceptible people 雖然有些受感染人士沒有病征,但是病毒可透過他們的糞便傳染給易受感染的人群。

Distribution of gene polymorphisms of rennin - angiotensin system between iga nephropathy with hypertension and asymptomatic abnormal urinalysis subtype 腎病高血壓型和尿檢異常型中的分布

Occasionally , infected individuals may be asymptomatic but able to shed bacteria in their faeces or urine 個別受感染的病人或全無徵狀,不過體內的細菌依然可以隨著糞便或尿液排出身體。

Clinical observation of 24 cases of coronary disease with asymptomatic myocardiac ischemia treated by huang qi bao xin tang 黃芪保心湯治療冠心病無癥狀性心肌缺血患者24例臨床觀察

Should we screen asymptomatic individuals for coronary artery disease or implement universal lipid - lowering therapy 難道我們要回避那些無癥狀的冠心病個體或實施廣泛的低脂療法?

Effect of tongxinluo capsule on hemorrheology and blood lipid in elderly patients with asymptomatic cerebral infarction 不同類型中風血瘀證患者血液流變學和凝血譜指標的研究

Most collections are asymptomatic and self - limited , but infected lymphoceles need further management 這類積聚通常是沒有癥狀及自限的,但感染性淋巴囊腫則需要進一步治療。

His family members are asymptomatic . the source of infection is not confirmed and is currently under investigation 現時未能確定感染的源頭, ?生防護中心人員正繼續調查。

The three household contacts of the patient are asymptomatic and have been put under medical surveillance 患者的三名家人均沒有出現病徵,防護中心正監察他們的健康狀況。

16 . exclude infected persons and asymptomatic carriers from handling food and from providing care to children 16 .感染此病者及無癥狀的帶菌者均不應處理食物和照顧兒童。

Observation of chinese herbs kaixin capsule on blood rheology of the patients with asymptomatic myocardial ischemia 中藥開心膠囊對無癥狀心肌缺血患者血液流變學的影響

Liver cancer is often asymptomatic at early stage . patients may experience weight loss and malaise 早期肝癌一般沒有任何病徵,患者或會感覺身體疲倦及體重下降。

They add that their data shows asymptomatic atherosclerosis should be treated “ aggressiely . 他們說其實驗數據表明無癥狀動脈粥樣硬化(動粥)應進行積極治療。

Cognitive dysfunction of asymptomatic cerebral infarction and its relation to depression and location 無癥狀性腦梗死患者認知功能障礙與抑郁和梗死部位的關系

A 70 - year - old man noted an asymptomatic linear pigmented lesion over the scrotum for 4 - 5 years 70歲男性在其陰囊上發現一逐漸擴大無癥狀線狀斑塊已歷五年。

Most of them are asymptomatic or the associated drop in vision is usually slow and mild 大多數患者都沒有明顯病徵,而由此引起的視力減退亦較慢和少。

The stool changes are considered normal , as long as the baby is thriving and asymptomatic 只要嬰兒生長得健康及沒有其他不適,大便的轉變實屬正常。