
asymmetric adj.不對稱的。


Asymmetric behavioral traits of human beings 人類的不對稱行為特征

Game analysis of tax management in asymmetric information 非對稱信息條件下的稅收管理博弈分析

This asymmetric key must already exist in the database 此非對稱密鑰必須已經存在于數據庫中。

Specifies the owner of the asymmetric key 指定非對稱密鑰的所有者。

Gets or sets the asymmetric algorithm key used for signing a 對象進行簽名的不對稱算法密鑰。

Homogeneous asymmetric hydrogenation : a mature technology 均相不對稱氫化反應:技術成熟嗎?

Portfolio analysis with an asymmetric risk measure 一個非對稱風險度量模型及組合證券投資分析

Studies on the asymmetric aziridination 不對稱氮雜環丙烷化反應的研究

Asymmetric y - branching tir all - optical switch 分叉全內反射型全光開關

A complete asymmetric public - key traitor tracing scheme 一種完整的非對稱公鑰叛逆者追蹤方案

Public - key encryption asymmetric cryptography 公鑰加密(不對稱加密)

Commentary about the asymmetric epoxidizing reaction of olefine 烯烴的不對稱環氧化反應評述

Specifies a database user mapped to an asymmetric key 指定映射到非對稱密鑰的數據庫用戶。

Homogeneous catalytic asymmetric hydrogenation 均相催化不對稱氫化作用

Creates an asymmetric key in the database 在數據庫中創建非對稱密鑰。

Is the id of an asymmetric key certificate in the database 數據庫中非對稱密鑰證書的id 。

Game analysis of asymmetric competition in telecommunications 電信運營不對稱競爭博弈分析

Database user mapped to an asymmetric key membership in the 映射到非對稱密鑰的數據庫用戶

The asymmetric information and the government control economy 旅游經濟運行中政府規制初探