
asylum n.1.(孤兒等的)收容所,養育院。2.避難所。3.【國...

Peter weiss in his play “marat/sade“ portrays a turbulent world as seen through the eyes of the inmates of the charenton asylum . 波特韋斯在他的《瑪拉特和塞德》一劇中,通過夏郎東神經病院患者的眼睛描繪出一個動蕩不安的世界。

We think immediately of orwellian “big brother“ world, of prisons and asylums where there is total control . 我們會立刻想到奧威爾的專制世界,想到受到完全控制的監獄和精神病院。


Old lunatic asylum chinese block eastern street methadone clinic 前華人精神病院(東邊街美沙酮診所)

Have you ever visited an insane asylum . . 你是否有去過瘋人院…

Unfortunately , the courts are so backed up with asylum cases 不幸的是,法院這類案子已經堆積如山

The terrorist tried to seek political asylum in that country 恐怖分子想在那個國家尋求政治庇護

Maria : you want to be alone in this insane asylum 瑪利亞:你希望一個人代在這神經錯亂的地方?

Robert lost his mind and was committed to an insane asylum 羅伯特神經錯亂,給送進了瘋人院。

Ship the colombians off to asylum hearings , 把哥倫比亞人送到收容所

The mental asylum from there has shifted here 那兒的瘋子也跟著來了

A certain soviet scientist requested asylum in the west 一名蘇聯科學家向西方尋求政治庇護。

Because his sister got sent to an insane asylum 因此他顯得格外淘氣

He was soon committed to an insane asylum 不久他就給送進了瘋人院。

The man later sought asylum in the netherlands 這個(庫爾德人)之后去了1家荷蘭的庇護所。

They have granted him asylum here in mexico 他們同意他來墨西哥來避難

Was the proposal of asylum accepted 提供暫時棲身之所的建議被接受了嗎?

You don ' t qualify for asylum , refugee status , 你不享有庇護權,難民身份權

On the right of seeking asylum and its relevant legal issues 試論避難權及其相關法律問題

2 . follow to join asylum concerns with overseas delays 2 .政治庇護者申辦家屬海外處理拖延