
aswarm adj.〔多作表語〕充滿的,擁擠的,麇集的。The sq...


Since the reform and open in china , however , there are many hidden - troubles of transportation though the urbanization level has been improved greatly . for instance , the city has been constructing more high - ways , but the increase of vehicles is much more than mileage , so that the traffic is aswarm and crowded , the living quality of citizens is depressed and the urban economy is blocked 而我國自建國后,尤其是改革開放以來,盡管城市化水平有了很大提高,但同時也暴露出了很多交通方面的問題和隱患,例如,城市內高等級道路增長很快,但由于車輛的增長遠遠高于道路里程的增長,從而造成交通擁擠、堵塞,城市居民生活質量下降,甚至會阻礙城市經濟的進一步發展。