
aswan n.阿斯旺〔埃及城市〕。


One of the more interesting trips that i have had in my life was cruising down the nile river . i flew to luxor , egypt and then boarded a little riverboat where you can cruise down the nile river and you can see the various sites that are along the nile . it concludes at the aswan dam 我不能,但?能,我一生中進行過最有趣的一次航程,就是尼羅河之旅,我搭飛機前往luxor ,登上一艘小船,類似我們在密西西比河搭的那種船,船上有些小小的房間,我們沿著尼羅河航行,欣賞沿岸的風光,航程最后在aswan水壩結束, aswan水壩在1960年開始施工, 1972年竣工。

The aswan dam , for example stopped the nile flooding but deprived egypt of the fertile silt that floods left - all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity 比如阿斯旺大壩,阻擋了尼羅河的洪水,但卻使埃及失去了洪水所能留下來的肥沃的淤泥,所有的這一切都是為了換得一個巨型的但卻(給人們帶來)疾病叢生的水庫,這個水庫現在充滿了那么多的淤泥,基本上它已無法發電。

The aswan dam , for example , stopped the nile flooding but deprived egypt of the fertile silt that floods left - all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity 參考譯文]例如,阿斯旺大壩使得尼羅河不再洪水泛濫,但是它也奪去了埃及以前所享有的洪水留下的肥沃淤泥? ?這些換宋的就是這么個疾病滋生的水庫,現在這個水庫積滿了淤泥,幾乎不能發電了。

The aswan dam , for example , stopped the nile flooding but deprived egypt of the fertile silt that floods left - all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity 例如,阿斯旺大壩使得尼羅河不再洪水泛濫美女江山一鍋煮但是它也奪去了埃及以前所享有的洪水留下的肥沃淤泥- -這些換宋的就是這么個疾病滋生的水庫,現在這個水庫積滿了淤泥,幾乎不能發電了。

The aswan dam , for example , stopped the nile flooding but deprived egypt of the fertile silt that floods left ? all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity 譯:例如,阿斯旺大壩使得尼羅河不再洪水泛濫,但是也奪去了埃及以前所享有的洪水留下的肥沃淤泥這些換來的就是這么個疾病滋生的水庫,現在這個水庫積滿了淤泥,幾乎不能發電了。

The aswan dam , for example , stopped the nile flooding but deprived egypt of the fertile silt that floods left ? all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity 例如,阿斯旺大壩使得尼羅河不再洪水泛濫,但是它也奪去了埃及以前所享有的洪水留下的肥沃淤泥? ?這些換來的就是這么個疾病滋生的水庫,現在這個水庫積滿了淤泥,幾乎不能發電了。

The aswan dam , for gwymple , stopped the nile flooding but deprived egypt of the fertile silt that floods left - all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity 例如,阿斯旺大壩使得尼羅河不再洪水泛濫,但是它也奪去了埃及以前所享有的洪水留下的肥沃淤泥- -這些換宋的就是這么個疾病滋生的水庫,現在這個水庫積滿了淤泥,幾乎不能發電了。

The aswan dam , for example , stopped the nile flooding but deprived egypt of the fertile silt that floods left - all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity 例如,阿斯旺大壩使得尼羅河不再洪水泛濫,但是它也奪去了埃及以前所享有的洪水留下的肥沃淤泥- -這些換宋的就是這么個疾病滋生的水庫,現在這個水庫積滿了淤泥,幾乎不能發電了。

The aswan dam , for example , sto ed the nile flooding but deprived egypt of the fertile silt that floods left - all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity 例如,阿斯旺大壩使得尼羅河不再洪水泛濫,但是它也奪去了埃及以前所享有的洪水留下的肥沃淤泥- -這些換宋的就是這么個疾病滋生的水庫,現在這個水庫積滿了淤泥,幾乎不能發電了。

The aswan dam , for example , stopped the nile flooding but depried egypt of the fertile silt that floods left - all in return for a giant reseroir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity 例如,阿斯旺大壩使得尼羅河不再洪水泛濫,但是它也奪去了埃及以前所享有的洪水留下的肥沃淤泥- -這些換宋的就是這么個疾病滋生的水庫,現在這個水庫積滿了淤泥,幾乎不能發電了。

The aswan dam , for example , stopped the nile flooding but deprived egypt of the fertile silt that floods left ? all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity 比方說,阿斯旺大壩雖然阻擋了尼羅河的洪水但是也奪走了洪水后本能留給埃及的肥沃土壤,而留下來的是一個現在根本不能發電而充滿疾病的巨大的蓄水池。

Thus the cold war spread to north africa and egypt ( the russians duly stepped in to finance the aswan dam , and much else ) , and israel became ever more closely tied to the united states 就這樣,冷戰擴散到了北非和埃及(俄國恰到好處的給阿斯旺大壩提供資金,并且數目還不少) ,以色列與美國聯結的更加緊密。

Pippa : i ' d like to take a boat on the river nile . it ' s a lovely windy day today . then we can see aswan without walking too much . how about that 皮普:我想乘船在尼羅河上游覽。今天是個有風的好天氣。而且不必走太多路我們就可以觀看到阿斯旺。怎么樣?

Hong kong s airport was the only asian achiever in a list that included the panama canal , the channel tunnel and egypt s aswan high dam 香港國際機場贏得這項殊榮,是亞洲區唯一可與巴拿馬運河、英法海峽隧道和埃及阿斯旺水壩同享殊榮的建筑工程項目。

Hong kong s airport was the only asian achiever in a list that included the panama canal , the channel tunnel and egypt s aswan high dam 香港國際機場贏得這項殊榮,是亞洲區唯一可與巴拿馬運河、英法海峽隧道和埃及阿斯旺水壩同享殊榮的建筑工程項目

Hong kong s airport was the only asian achiever in a list that included the panama canal , the channel tunnel and egypt s aswan high dam 香港國際機場贏得這項殊榮,是亞洲區唯一可與巴拿馬運河英法海峽隧道和埃及阿斯旺水壩同享殊榮的建筑工程項目。

Hong kong s airport was the only asian achiever in a list that included the panama canal , the channel tunnel and egypt s aswan high dam 香港國際機場贏得這項殊榮,是亞洲區唯一可與巴拿馬運河英法海峽隧道和埃及阿斯旺水壩同享殊榮的建筑工程項目

The white family are on holiday in egypt . they are staying in a hotel in aswan . they are now at breakfast , talking about the plan for their trip 懷特一家人在埃及度假。他們住在阿斯旺市一家旅館里。他們正在吃早餐,并談論著旅行計劃。

Aswan has been a favourite winter resort since the beginning of the nineteenth century and it ' s still a perfect place to get away from it all 自19世紀初起,阿斯旺就成為了著名的冬季度假勝地,至今這里仍是獨一無二的旅游度假勝地。