
asw 短語和例子ASW =1.antisatellite we...


Superstructures has special shape design to enable stealth capability . length : 153m width : 16 . 5m power type : codog , 2 shafts output : 48600hp max speed : 29 knots weapon : c - 802 ssm launches units4 crew : 250 hq - 7 sam launches unit1 twin 37mm flak guns 4 533mm torpedo launch tube6 twin 100mm automatic main gun1 kamov ka - 27 asw helicopter1 裝備c - 802 , 4連裝艦對艦導彈發射裝置4座, hq - 7型8連裝近距艦對空導彈發射器4座, 37毫米雙連裝速射艦炮4座, 3連裝533毫米魚雷發射器2座, 100mm雙喧嘩裝炮1座。

In order to improve the capability of asw , navy has , preliminarily been equipped with modern anti - submarine weapons , among which helcopter serves as the core . consequently , for the formation of the powerful combat capability , there is an urgent need of building an airborne anti - submarine tactical data system ( tds ) , which carries out comprehensive information processing and fulfils inflight commanding and guiding 為了提高我軍的航空反潛水平,我軍已初步具備以旋翼飛機為核心裝備的硬件航空反潛能力,急需構建適應我軍現役搜、攻潛武器裝備的機載反潛戰術數據系統( tds ) ,使我海軍在航空反潛方面形成強大的戰斗力。

In an asw mission a platform is tasked to classify , localize , and potentially attack a suspected threat detected by ownship ' s sensors or by sources external to ownship 在一個asw任務里一個平臺的任務是分類、定位和潛伏地攻擊一個自己船只的傳感器探測到的或者是外部來源探測到的可疑威脅。

Ariborne anti - submarine warefare ( asw ) is a major mode of operations . it consists of the stage of searching for submarine and that of attacking the submarine 因而,在對海作戰中,搜索、攻擊敵軍的潛艇力量是一項重要的戰略任務。

Although accurate location informations can be supplied by using gps , the reliability of this informations will become incredible in asw 因此,本文采用了利用飛機所能測量的信息對浮標定位的方法。

Ab simbel , site of two temples in southern egypt , on the nile river , south of asw n 阿布辛波神廟,是位于埃及南部的兩座廟宇的遺跡。它位于阿斯旺以南的尼羅河畔。