
asunder adj.〔多作表語〕,adv.1.(分)開,(折)斷,(...


Divided there is little we can do . for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split us asunder 我們如果分歧對立,就會一事無成- -因為我們不敢在爭吵不休、四分五裂時迎接強大的挑戰。

Divided , there is little we can do for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder 倘若分裂,我們則很難有所作為,因為意見分歧,各行其事,我們便不敢應付強有力的挑戰。

And i will set fire in egypt : sin shall have great pain , and no shall be rent asunder , and noph shall have distresses daily 我必在埃及點起火來;訓必有大痛苦;挪必被攻破;挪弗必終日受難。

6 wherefore they are no more twain , but one flesh . what therefore god hath joined together , let not man put asunder 6既然如此、夫妻不再是兩個人、乃是一體的了所以神配合的、人不可分開。

Wherefore they are no more twain , but one flesh . what therefore god hath joined together , let not man put asunder 6既然如此,夫妻不再是兩個人,乃是一體的了。所以神所配合的,人不可分開。

How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken ! how is babylon become a desolation among the nations 23全地的大錘何竟砍斷破壞。巴比倫在列國中何竟荒涼。

The beauty of the world has two edges , one of laughter , one of anguish , cutting the heart asunder 人生的美感有雙刃,一是歡樂一是苦惱;它們將我們的心割離。

What god hath joined together no man shall ever put asunder , god will take care of that 凡是上帝結合起來的東西,誰人也不應使之分離,上帝將會照料他們。

Law and equity are two things which god hath joined , but which man has put asunder 法律和公正這兩樣東西,上帝把它們結合在一起,但人們卻把它們隔開

Law and equity are things which god hath joined , but which man has put asunder 法律與平等,是上帝給結合在一起的東西,人卻把它們拆開來了。

Law and equity are things which god hatch joined , but which man has put asunder 法律與平等,是上帝給結合在一起的東西,人卻把它們拆開了。

In processing asunder distributed data , a fast pca algorithm was proposed 提出了在數據分布比較分散情況下的一種快速的pca數值計算方法。

The research and development that bush tore asunder are once again becoming entwined 研究與開發,當初布什分而治之,如今再次交織。

The earth is broken up , the earth is split asunder , the earth is thoroughly shaken 19 [和合]地全然破13壞,盡都崩裂,大大地震動了。

The property right diversification is asunder the valid path of the financial system risk 產權多元化是分散金融體系風險的有效途徑

4 a quite conscience sleeps in thunder , but rest and guilt live for asunder 平靜的良心能在蕾聲中入睡,而安寧和負罪則無法毗鄰。

But rutas was torn asunder by a volcanic upheaval and sent to the ocean depths 但是,魯達斯被火山劇變撕成碎片,沉入海洋深處。

Psm 2 : 3 let us break their bands asunder , and cast away their cords from us 詩2 : 3說,我們要掙開他們的捆綁,脫去他們的繩索。

The frame he knocked asunder with a few blows of the hammer , making the stucco fly 他把像架用鐵錘打碎了,上面的漆灰飛揚著。