
astute adj.機敏的,伶俐的,狡猾的。adv.-ly ,-ne...

“ hong kong people do this best - they are astute and quick at identifying opportunities , “ said sir gordon wu , chairman of hopewell holdings limited 胡應湘爵士表示:香港人一向具有精明的頭腦,善于抓緊機會。

To go on seeing all those people who had known him as a “long-headed chap“, an astute adviserafter thatno ! 那些人一直認為他是個精明家伙,是個足智多謀的法律顧問;在這事之后還繼續跟那些人見面決不會!


And i shall no doubt feel somewhat vulnerable without the invaluable services of an astute secretary , particularly skilful in protecting me from annoying callers 當然還有我精明能干的秘書,尤其她替我擋去一些無謂電話的本事。沒有她周到的安排,我的日子肯定會難過得多。

The rome outfit played an astute game against marseille in their opener , letting the french team make the running before hitting them on the counter attack 這支羅馬的球隊在第一場與馬賽的比賽中打的非常聰明,讓法國的球隊在場上疲于奔命,隨后給予了對手關鍵一擊

Williamson valves are of the highest quality standards , are competitively priced , and are produced with ultra - modern manufacturing technology and astute materials sourcing 威廉姆森閥門具有最高的質量標準、極具競爭性的價格、先進的生產技術和靈活的材料資源。

They proved that , with some very astute acquisitions and the addition of a manager of the first class , a team can rise up from obscurity to be a postseason qualifier 他們證明了這個總教練帶領的第一年的確有他的一套,一個球隊可以進步神速,甚至打進季后賽。

Most of us become more astute decision makers as the base of our experience broadens . in what respects do you feel you have improved as a decision maker 大多數人隨著閱歷的日益豐富會成為更為機敏的決策者。您覺得自己作為一名決策者,在哪些方面得到了改進?

Williamson valves are of the highest quality standards , are competitively priced , and are producedwith ultra - modern manufacturing technology and astute materials sourcing 威廉姆森閥門產品具有優良的質量、競爭性的價格、先進的生產技術和靈活的材料資源。

When you put these 10 essentials together , they add up to one particularly astute insight : you do your best when you treat others as you would like to be treated 當您將這10個元素加在起來,便能有所領悟:對別人要盡力做到最好,若您想得到相同的對待。

The first thing an astute reader will have noticed is that my sample application went through some odd contortions to get its input data 聰明的讀者首先會注意到,我的樣本應用程序通過一些不常見的、過于復雜的方法來獲取其輸入數據。

Running on to smith ' s astute pass and showing good strength , he burst beyond zakuani before the defender dragged him down just outside the area 他接應到史密斯的妙傳,以很好的身體力量突破了薩庫阿尼,對手無奈只好在禁區前放到他。

With the advent of the internet boom , he graduated to become an astute investor and had the midas touch in whatever company he invested in 隨著網絡經濟的繁榮,他成長為一位敏銳的投資者,他投資的任何一家公司都賺了大把的鈔票。

One of herbert chapman ' s most astute signings , eddie hapgood went on to captain arsenal and england during dominant spells for both club and country 他是查普曼最機敏的簽約之一,在阿森納和英格蘭足球的顛峰時期他是雙料隊長。

Your contribution is obvious , your requirement also fair and reasonable , an astute negotiation person is about to let a boss see such fact 你的貢獻是明擺著的,你的要求也合情合理,一個精明的談判人就要讓老板看到這樣的事實。

One of a new breed of successful entrepreneurs , he balances commercial ambition with astute reading of the political tea - leaves 作為一個成功的企業家,他小心地在實現自己商業夢想的同時,時刻關注著政治局勢的風吹草動。

“ hong kong people do this best - they are astute and quick at identifying opportunities , “ said sir gordon wu , chairman of hopewell holdings limited 胡應湘爵士表示:香港人一向具有精明的頭腦,善于抓緊機會。

My old barber , astute entrepreneur that he was , turned his barber shop into a salon , and later into a beauty parlour for men 老理發師,一個精明的老板,他把自己的理發店改為一個沙龍,后來又改為一家男士美容店。

An astute analysis understands these deaths are more than isolated events ; they negatively impact the nation as a whole 機敏的人通過分析可以看出這些死亡不是獨立事件,會對整個國家帶來負面影響。

As early as 1915 , g . i . taylor had made astute observations on the structure of atmospheric turbulence 早在1915年, g i taylor就對大氣湍流的結構作了巧妙的觀測。