
astrophysics n.pl. 〔用作單或復〕天體物理學。

Norway ' s acadamy of science and letters announces three new “ kavil “ prizes of us $ 1 million each , to honor outstanding contributions in astrophysics , nanoscience , and neuroscience 挪威科學與與文學學院設立三項新的卡菲爾獎,表揚在天文物理學、奈米科技和神經科學方面有杰出貢獻的人士,得主將各得一百萬美元獎金。

“ this questions our understanding of how giant planets are formed and evolve , “ said robert noyes , a senior physicist at the harvard - smithsonian center for astrophysics ( cfa ) “這向我們對于大行星是如何行成演化的理解提出了置疑. “羅伯特?諾伊斯說.他是哈佛-史密森納天體物理中心的一名資深物理學家

“ it ' s the mother of all diamonds , “ said travis metcalfe , who led the team of researchers at the harvard - smithsonian centre for astrophysics in america “這是鉆石之母, ”美國哈佛史密桑尼安天文物理中心研究組組長特拉維斯梅特卡夫說。

“ it ' s the mother of all diamonds , “ said travis metcalfe , who led the team of researchers at the harvard - smithsonian centre for astrophysics in america “這是鉆石之母, ”美國哈佛史密桑尼安天文物理中心研究組組長特拉維斯?梅特卡夫說。

“ for pioneering contributions to astrophysics , which have led to the discovery of cosmic x - ray sources 以獎勵他對天體物理學的開創性的貢獻,他的研究成果導致了宇宙x射線源的發現

“ for pioneering contributions to astrophysics , in particular for the detection of cosmic neutrinos 在天體物理學領域做出的先驅性貢獻


It possess many of the physical properties such as high atomic number ( z ) , large enough band gap , high resistivity , relatively low leakage currents , and high intrinsic mobility - lifetime ( ut ) product , which are required for room - temperature nuclear radiation detectors . so it is widely used in nuclear medical imaging system , space engineering , and astrophysics , environmental monitoring , and so on . in addition , it is the best substrate for lattice matched epitaxial growth of hg1 - xcdxte ( mct ) thin films and solar cells 用單晶czt制成的探測器可在室溫下工作,工作溫度范圍寬( - 20 40 ) ,能量探測范圍寬( 10kev 6mev ) ,對x射線、射線能量分辨率高,在x射線、射線成像、天體物理研究、工業探測、安全檢測、核輻射探測、核廢料監控、 x射線熒光分析( xrf ) 、 x射線斷層掃描和核醫學等方面有重要用途。

The use of the state - of - the - art laser facility makes it possible to create conditions of the same or similar to those in the astrophysical processes . the introduction of the astrophysics - relevant ideas in laser - plasma experiments is propitio us to the understanding of the astrophysical phenomena . however , the great difference between the laser - produced plasmas and the astrophysical processes makes it awkward to model the latter by laser - plasma experiments . this paper addresses the physical backgrounds for modeling the astrophysical plasmas by laser plasmas , connecting these two kinds of plasmas by scaling laws . thus , allowing the creation of experimental test beds where observations and models can be quantitatively compared with laser - plasma data . special attentions are paid on the possibilities of using home - made laser facilities to model astrophysical phenomena 采用當前最先進的激光裝置與物質相互作用,可以獲得與天體物理過程中相同或相似的條件,并進而開展利用激光等離子體模擬天體物理現象的實驗.然而,激光等離子體為微米空間尺度、納秒存活時間,而天體物理對象則為宇宙學的極大的時間與空間尺度,對在物理上和實際操作上將這兩種表面上存在巨大差異的物理過程對應起來從而利用激光等離子體研究天體物理過程的可能性進行了討論,特別是對利用國內的激光裝置開展模擬實驗的可行性進行了討論

Researcher bryan gaensler of the harvard - smithsonian center for astrophysics says if the explosion had occurred much closer to our solar system , say just 10 light years away , it would have severely damaged the atmosphere and possibly triggered a mass extinction of living things 哈佛史密森天文物理中心的研究員布萊恩?詹茲勒表示如果這次爆炸發生在離我們太陽系很近的距離,比如10光年遠的話,它就會嚴重破壞我們的大氣層,很有可能導致生命物種的大量滅亡。

Researcher bryanlaensler of he harvard - smithsonian center for astrophysics says if the explosion had occurred much closer to our solar system , qsay just 10 light years away , it would have severely damaged the atmosphere and possibly triggered a mass extinction of living things 哈佛史密森天文物理中心的研究員布萊恩?詹茲勒表示如果這次爆炸發生在離我們太陽系很近的距離,比如10光年遠的話,它就會嚴重破壞我們的大氣層,很有可能導致生命物種的大量滅亡。

Lorenzini is a space scientist at the harvard - smithsonian center for astrophysics in cambridge , mass . , where , since 1995 , he has led the research group of the late pioneers of space tethers mario grossi and giuseppe colombo 羅倫茲尼是位于美國麻州劍橋的哈佛史密森尼天文物理中心的太空科學家,自1995年起他在那里領導已故太空纜索先驅葛羅斯和哥倫坡的研究小組。

The orbiting telescope has been developed jointly since 1993 by nanjing university and the laboratory of cosmic ray and high energy astrophysics of the institute of high energy physics coheal in the chinese academy of science 中國科學院高能物理研究所的宇宙線和高能天體物理開放實驗室自1993年開始,和南京大學共同研制這臺軌道望遠鏡。

Students and teachers in the physics departments of both the chinese university of hong kong and the university of hong kong are actively taking part in neutrino physics research , including theoretical neutrino astrophysics and experiments 香港中文大學及香港大學物理系的師生,亦積極參予中微子研究工作,包括中微子天文物理以及實驗

There is a factor which depends on the breaking scale in the formula of angle of deflection of timelike and spacelike test particles in this kind of cold stars . it is a possible observational effect for astrophysics 對于這類冷天體的類光和類時測試粒子的偏轉角公式存在一個依賴于破缺標度的因子。這是一個可能的天體物理觀測效應。

Scannapieco , who also dabbles in cosmology , works under the auspices of the national science foundation at the arcetri astrophysical observatory in florence and the institute of astrophysics in paris 史坎納皮科也涉獵宇宙學,他在美國國家科學基金會贊助下任職于義大利佛羅倫斯的雅賽?天體物理觀測站及法國巴黎的天體物理學研究所。

He graduated from southampton university with a bsc in astrophysics , and spent three years working for british aerospace defence systems before joining ibm in october 2000 他畢業于南安普敦大學,并獲得天體物理學理學學士學位,在2000年10月加入ibm之前,他為英國航空防御系統( british aerospace defence systems )工作了三年。

Norway ' s acadamy of science and letters announces three new “ kavil “ prizes of us $ 1 million each , to honor outstanding contributions in astrophysics , nanoscience , and neuroscience 挪威科學與與文學學院設立三項新的卡菲爾獎,表揚在天文物理學、奈米科技和神經科學方面有杰出貢獻的人士,得主將各得一百萬美元獎金。

“ this questions our understanding of how giant planets are formed and evolve , “ said robert noyes , a senior physicist at the harvard - smithsonian center for astrophysics ( cfa ) “這向我們對于大行星是如何行成演化的理解提出了置疑. “羅伯特?諾伊斯說.他是哈佛-史密森納天體物理中心的一名資深物理學家

Ph . d . in finance , new york university ( 1996 ) ; m . a . in astrophysics , princeton university ( 1991 ) ; b . sc . in space physics , university of science and technology of china ( 1985 ) 中國科技大學空間物理學學士( 1985年) ,美國普林斯頓大學天體物理學碩士( 1991年) ,美國紐約大學金融學博士( 1996年) 。