
astrophotography n.天體照相(術)。


Hundreds of terrific photographs were received last year in the astrophotographic competition . one of our adjudicators , mr . joseph liu , said that the level of astrophotography in hong kong has been rising in an unbelievable rate and has reached an international standard 去年香港太空館所舉辦的天文攝影比賽中,我們收集了百多張珍貴的天文照片,評判之一廖慶齊先生曾作出此評價:香港朋友的天文攝影技術進步神速并已達至世界級水平。

Hundreds of terrific photographs were received last year in the astrophotographic competition . one of our adjudicators , mr . joseph liu , said that the level of astrophotography in hong kong has been rising in an unbelievable rate and has reached an international standard 去年香港太空館所舉辦的天文攝影比賽中,我們收集了百多張珍貴的天文照片,評判之一廖慶先生曾作出此評價:香港朋友的天文攝影技術進步神速并已達至世界級水平。

Meteors , especially meteor showers , comets are special astronomical phenomenae , this lecture told the stories and sciences behind them . this lecture also share the experiences of astrophotography , as an introduction 流星、壯麗的天文奇觀、留著長尾巴的彗星都是一些特別的天象,是次講座介紹了它們背后的故事與科學。講座也介紹了基本的天文攝影概念,作分享。

Gives overview of the solar system , the milky way galaxy , extrasolar planets , cosmology and astrophotography . includes images , additional resources , and forums -站點設立于廣西柳州,內容包含天文知識,圖片欣賞,宇宙生物探討課題,同時包含論壇交流服務。

It can be seen that the level of astrophotography in hong kong is progressing and has reached the international standard 從這些照片可看到香港天文愛好者的天文攝影技術不斷進步,并已達至世界級水平。

Any topic related to astrophotography 任何題材的天文攝影作品