
astronomical adj.1.天文學(上)的。2.〔口語〕(數字等)龐大的...

astronomical day

He ' s been offered an astronomical salary 有人出巨額薪水聘請他

Journal of the british astronomical association 英國天文協會雜志

This week , there were two big developments in astronomical science 本周在天文學上有兩大進展。

Distinguishing the astronomical data in ling zhoujiu ' s description in 伶州鳩語中的天象資料辨偽

Introduction to major astronomical events in 2003 december 2002 2003年主要天象介紹2002年12月

This week there were two big developments in astronomical science 本周有兩大天文科學的發展

Astronomical sum of money will be needed for this project 這項工程需要異常龐大數額的資金。

A research on astronomical and calendric achievements of liao dynasty 遼代天文歷算成就淺論

Astronomical novelty - what is dark energy 天文新知甚么是黑暗能量?

It is the conference of the international astronomical union 它是國際天文學聯合會的會議。

Who do these astronomical interest income put in ' s charge 這些天文數字的利息收入歸誰呢?

Hey , curt ! what ' s up , baby ? mr . astronomical man 柯特!最近怎么樣?了不起的天文學家先生

Hong kong space musuem - stars shine - astronomical events 香港太空館-觀星樂-火星近日點沖

The odds of running into another that size are astronomical 再遇見另一條這么大的機率很低

The infrared astronomical satellite : nasa 紅外線天文衛星:美國太空總署

Probe in developing popular astronomical tourism 發展我國天文科普旅游初探

It tends to vary quite a lot on astronomical bodies 重力在不同太空星體均有很大分別。

Introduction to major astronomical events in 2003 exhibition 2003年主要天象介紹展覽

F70076 newtonian reflector astronomical telescope F70076牛頓反射式天文望遠鏡