
astronomic adj.= astronomical.

Major exhibits of the “ ancient chinese astronomy “ exhibition are on loan from the beijing planetarium , the beijing ancient observatory and the suzhou institute of ancient astronomic and timekeeping instruments . additional interactive exhibits are jointly developed by the hong kong science museum and the hong kong space museum 中國古天文成就展主要展品由北京天文館、北京古觀象臺及蘇州市古代天文計時儀器研究所提供,互動展品由香港科學館及香港太空館聯合制作。

Major exhibits of the “ ancient chinese astronomy “ exhibition are on loan from the beijing planetarium , the beijing ancient observatory and the suzhou institute of ancient astronomic and timekeeping instruments 中國古天文成就展主要展品由北京天文館北京古觀象臺及蘇州市古代天文計時儀器研究所提供,互動展品由香港科學館及香港太空館聯合制作。


Everything is on one level , whether it be the latest fashion for evening gowns , a new battleship , a plague , a high explosive , an astronomic discovery , a bank run , a railroad wreck , a bull market , a hundred to one shot , an execution , a stick up , an assassination , or what 每一件新聞都同等重要,不論是晚禮服的最新款式還是一只新戰艦、一場瘟疫、一次大爆炸、一項天文學新發現、河堤決口、列車顛覆、炒賣股票、毫無希望的賽馬賭注、處決、攔路搶劫、暗殺等諸如此類的事情。

Major exhibits of the “ ancient chinese astronomy “ exhibition are on loan from the beijing planetarium , the beijing ancient observatory and the suzhou institute of ancient astronomic and timekeeping instruments . additional interactive exhibits are jointly developed by the hong kong science museum and the hong kong space museum 中國古天文成就展主要展品由北京天文館、北京古觀象臺及蘇州市古代天文計時儀器研究所提供,互動展品由香港科學館及香港太空館聯合制作。

Permanent surveying markers as referred to in paragraph 1 of this article include wooden or steel signals and stone markers established at triangulation points , baseline points , traverse points , military control points , gravimetric points , astronomic points and leveling points of various orders and classes , as well as fixed markers used for topographic mapping , engineering surveying and deformation measurement , and installations at seabed geodetic points 第一款所稱永久性測量標志,是指各等級的三角點、基線點、導線點、軍用控制點、重力點、天文點、水準點的木質覘標、鋼質覘標和標石標志,以及用于地形測圖、工程測量和形變測量的固定標志和海底大地點設施等。

The research works have verified that ce : yap is a excellent scintillator . it has good mechanical process properties , stable chemical character and good detecting properties . all these characters make it a promising scintillator in high - energy physics , nuclear physics , nuclear medicine , astronomic physics and nuclear protection Ce : yap是一種性能優良的閃爍晶體,它具有良好的機械加工性能、穩定的化學性質和良好的探測性能,在高能物理、核物理、宇宙天文學、核醫學、核防護等方面有著廣泛的應用前景。

Simultaneously , enhancement of the cross section must has had been played an important role in astrophysical nuclear process . we investigate the s - process of nucleosynthesis of heavy element of astrophysics and give a group of analytic solutions for the s - process . to check up the analytic solutions , we calculate the n distributing of the heavy element of s - process in solar system and the result is good agreement with astronomic measurement 我們研究了天體重元素核合成的s ?過程,給出了s ?過程網絡方程的一個解析解,作為對本文解析解的檢驗,我們計算了太陽系的s ?過程重元素豐度的n分布,計算結果與天文觀測符合的較好;另外,我們還計算了s ?過程的典型分叉點~ ( 85 ) kr處各個核素的豐度變化,與已有的結果符合的較好。

Precision transmission device is one kind of the key fundamental components , which are extensively applied to many industry fields including robot industry , machine industry , instrument industry etc . with the development of information technology and space navigation technology , especially the micro - miniaturization , speediness and automation of satellite communication , scouting the flying project , remote sensing and measuring and astronomic observation antenna system , more hard requirements are demanded on precision transmission 精密傳動是一種重要的基礎性零部件,在機器人、機床、儀器儀表等工業領域有著廣泛的應用。隨著信息和宇航科學技術的發展,特別是衛星通信、飛行目標跟蹤與攔截、遙感與遙測、天文觀察等天線系統的微小型化、快速化及自動化,對精密傳動提出了更高的要求。

The paper analyzed the typical method of positioning of optical fiber in astronomic observation . according to the structure ' s characteristics and the working demands of lamost , bring forward the new plan on positioning of optical fiber that the focal plane is divided up many unit zones 通過對天文觀測中光纖定位典型方法的分析,結合工程的特點和工作要求,提出了在焦面上進行分區,并且在單元區域內做直線運動和旋轉運動的雙電機單元光纖定位機構的方法。

In consideration of studying island coast hydrodynamic factors is in order to build breakwater engineering , design waves , astronomic - tide and storm - tide which increases water level are computed to offer design parameters , discuss and analyze the influence of engineering safety aroused by those factors 考慮到研究海島周圍海岸動力因素的目的是為了建設海島工程,還進行了設計波浪以及天文潮、風暴潮增水的計算,分析了這些因素對工程安全性的影響。

Starting with the astronomic factors which induce the tide phenomenon , this paper introduces a method of nonharmonic analysis neural network to predict tide , and this method is used to calculate the real tide of 2002 at hongkong tide station and the result are compared to the observed data 摘要文章運用非調和法,直接從引起潮汐現象的天文因素入手,以2002年香港驗潮站實測資料為例,用神經網絡對潮汐知識進行了學習仿真,對未知結果進行了預報。

Then years ago , in the science clan , there was an astronomic devil who was cruel and brutal and often committed the rules of the clan . at one turbid - while he was trying to steal the leader s writ , he was being discovered and punished by peeling off his hand s skin then excelled out of the clan 蓋在十多年前,科學門人之中,一名星宿老魔袁信義飾兇殘暴戾,屢犯門規,更圖盜取掌門令牌,被判罰以剝手皮刑,再逐出師門。

Dynamic model of satellite is built up with astronomic method , and a short - arch forecast arithmetic of satellite orbit in short arch with single site is given , which is of high precision when only angle data is available 本文使用了天文方法建立了人造衛星運動的數學模型,給出了一種只使用單站短弧段測角數據對人造衛星軌道進行高精度預測的算法。

Major exhibits of the “ ancient chinese astronomy “ exhibition are on loan from the beijing planetarium , the beijing ancient observatory and the suzhou institute of ancient astronomic and timekeeping instruments 中國古天文成就展主要展品由北京天文館北京古觀象臺及蘇州市古代天文計時儀器研究所提供,互動展品由香港科學館及香港太空館聯合制作。

At ancient times , people were navigated by means of sun , fixed stars , etc . , while currently the common navigation systems are astronomic navigation , inertial navigation and radio navigation 以前,人們主要利用太陽、星星等自然天體。現在人們利用的導航系統主要有:天文導航系統、慣性導航系統、無線電導航系統三大類。

Astronomic navigation is the earliest one people used , which has the default of low precision and constrained by natural condition , weather and time 其中天文導航是最早被人們利用的一種導航方法,但這種方法存在受自然條件、天氣、時間制約、精度低等缺點。

Astronomic radio source 天體射電源

Geodesy astronomic observation 大地天文觀測

Application of new techniques to surveying astronomic azimuth of polaris 新技術在北極星天文方位角測量中的應用