
astronomer n.天文學家。

The “national enquirer“ blazoned forth that we astronomers had really discovered another civilization . 《國民詢問者》甚至宣稱,我們天文學家已真正發現了其它星球上的文明。

astronomer royal

Luo xiahong , the distinguished astronomer in the world 世界杰出天文學家落下閎

Renowned astronomer leads hku s faculty of science 著名天文學家領導香港大學理學院

Astronomers have also detected older and smaller m stars, previously thought to be quite dim, that actually outshine the sun in their x-ray emission . 天文學家還探測到有一些較老較小的M型星,它們發射的X射線實際上比太陽更加光輝燦爛,而先前人們卻認為它們是十分幽暗的。

From long ago, by an established tradition that can be traced to the hypothesis of immanuel kant and the marquis de laplace, astronomers have assumed that stars develop out of a scattered, diffuse medium of gas and dust . 很長時間以來,天文學家承襲了可以追溯至康德和拉普拉斯假說所建立的概念,認為恒星由散布在空中的彌漫氣塵物質演變而來。

Astronomers are using radio telescopes to listen for the signals from civilizations that they believe exist on thousands of planets throughout our galaxy . 天文學家們正在用射電望遠鏡探尋他們認為存在于我們星系中的千萬顆行星上的文明世界發來的信號。

Celestial mechanics enables astronomers to calculate the positions of the planets at any time in the post or future and to predict the movements of comets . 天體力學使文學家能計算出行星在過去或將來任何時候的位置,并能預報彗星的運行位置。

Astronomers no longer regard fanciful the idea that they may one day pick up signals which have been sent by intelligent beings . 將來有朝一日天文學家們可能會接收到外星人發出的信號,這種想法現在天文學家們不再認為是荒誕無稽的了。

Astronomy, like all branches of science, advances by testing theories, and not all astronomers agree with ours . 就象科學的一切分支一樣,天文學也是靠一些嘗試性的理論來推進的。并不是所有天文學家都同意我們的看法。

But only since 1975 have astronomers understood that the solar wind, too, is an important link between the sun and the earth . 但是,只是自1975年以來,天文學家才了解到太陽風也是聯系太陽和我們地球的一條重要紐帶。

Astronomers could gain only a biased idea of the universe when they were limited to the narrow wavelength band of visible rays . 由于只能在可見光的狹窄波段內觀測,天文學家關于宇宙的概念顯然只能是片面的。

Generations of astronomers have painstakingly gathered an enormous store of facts touching on the most diverse properties of stars . 世世代代的天文學家辛勤地積累了有關恒星各種性質的大量觀測事實。

In this situation astronomers tacitly assume that stars of the same luminosity and color all have the same mass . 在目前的狀況下,天文學家心照不宣地默認,光度和顏色都相同的恒星具有相同的質量。

Even if contact were eventually established , astronomers would not be able to rely on language to communicate with other beings . 即使最終建立了接觸,天文學家也不會依賴語言來同其他生命通訊。

Astronomers have another reason for studying the solar wind besides wanting to understand its influence on the earth . 天文學家研究太陽風,除了希望了解太陽風對地球的影響外,還有一些別的動機。

It is quite dynamic in itself and also in concent with all of the other galaxies astronomers have so far detected . 它本身是相當活動的,而且與天文學家迄今探測到的所有別的星系一致。

There, after some discussion, it was agreed to consult the astronomers regarding that part of the enterprise . 在那兒,經過了一番討論,關于計劃的那部分,大家同意去請教天文學家。

Not only the general public, but also the astronomers had become used to the existence of these strange objects . 不僅一般的公眾,而且天文學家都變得習慣于這些陌生物體的存在了。

The “national enquirer“ blazoned forth that we astronomers had really discovered another civilization . 《國民詢問者》甚至宣稱,我們天文學家已真正發現了其它星球上的文明。