
astronautics n.宇宙航行學。

As expansion of human beings “ activities among space areas , it has become an important part of astronautics to find out the space environment , exploit the space environment and secure spacecrafts 隨著人類活動向外層空間的擴展,探索外層空間,利用外層空間,并保障人類在外層空間活動的安全,是當前航天活動中的重要內容之一。


As expansion of human beings “ activities among space areas , it has become an important part of astronautics to find out the space environment , exploit the space environment and secure spacecrafts 隨著人類活動向外層空間的擴展,探索外層空間,利用外層空間,并保障人類在外層空間活動的安全,是當前航天活動中的重要內容之一。

The representatives from jingning mstc in nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics visited history museum . all participants and specially invited guests had a match about diathesis development 南京航空航天大學江寧校區微軟學生技術俱樂部代表參觀南京歷史博物館;所有參與人員與特邀嘉賓一起進行素質拓展訓練比賽。

The balance , which is widely applied in aviation , astronautics , architecture , high - speed engines and weapon ' s manufacture , is the professional testing equipment in aerodynamic experiment 應變天平是風洞空氣動力學實驗中的專用測試裝置,被廣泛應用于航空、航天、建筑、高速機車以及武器研制等領域。

The chinese allowed a peek into multiple aspects of their scramjet efforts at the recent american institute of aeronautics and astronautics joint propulsion conference in cincinnati 在最近辛辛那提舉行的美國航空航天聯合推進技術研究所大會上,中國讓外界得以一窺其在沖壓發動機方面的多個進展。

After the national days , there were posters of recruiting new members everywhere in the campus of beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics . our microsoft club certainly would not fall behind 這個學期十一假期一過,北航的校園里到處是招新社團的宣傳單,我們微軟俱樂部當然也不能落后

The author has taken part in three research tasks during his reading for doctor ' s degree in the cad / cam research center of nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics 本文的研究工作主要結合作者在南京航空航天大學cad / cam工程研究中心攻讀博士學位期間參加的三項研究課題展開。

The research on micro satellite is highlighted in the field of astronautics . master of the micro satellite technology represents integrated national power of different countries all over the world 微小衛星是當前航天的熱門研究領域,掌握微小衛星技術是世界各國綜合國力的象征之一。

It is broadly used in the field of aeronautics and astronautics . this paper describes an active vibration control system aimed to driving piezoelectric or piezoelectric composites actuators 本文研究了一種用于驅動壓電及壓電復合材料的小型化、集成化的控制及驅動放大系統。

The results of this dissertation can help to apply the films in the irradiation enviroment and consequently serve the aeronautics , astronautics , and nuclear industry 據此我們也可以采取針對性的措施,使之具有更好的輻照穩定性,從而更好地為航天、航空及核工業等高科技部門服務。

Under a newton apple tree enjoys the cool air the time inspiration , finally caused to discover the gravitation , but this law has afterwards become astronautics science foundation 牛頓一次蘋果樹下乘涼時的啟發,最終導致發現了萬有引力,而這個定律后來成了航天科學的基礎。

Next , this paper presents the verification of the software with the mps in the cims center of nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics , and the compare results also are given 并對該軟件在南京航空航天大學cims中心的mps系統上的驗證進行了說明與對比。

A : the good news : 1 . successive club students in beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics , from the chairman to the core members are all trying very hard in the club . 2 答:好的方面:一歷屆北航微俱的同學,從主席到核心會員都非常努力的在做俱樂部。

The good news : 1 . successive club students in beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics , from the chairman to the core members are all trying very hard in the club . 2 答:好的方面:一歷屆北航微俱的同學,從主席到核心會員都非常努力的在做俱樂部。

To foster team consciousness between members , as the main purpose , the open day of student technology club in nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics was held 南京航空航天大學微軟學生技術俱樂部開放日主要是為培養俱樂部成員團隊意識而舉行的。

Technology of loxodrome coolant channel machining on liquid rocket engine . yuhang xuebao / journal of astronautics . vol . 24 no . 3 . may , 2003 . wang yongqing , lu jiechi , tong yu 等傾角螺旋槽的片銑刀銑削加工技術.工具技術. 2002年第8期. 2002年8月.王永青,盧杰持

Hsing , yu - his ( 2003 ) . “ shrinkage of injection molded plastic optical pick - up lens . ” , department of aeronautics and astronautics , national cheng kung university 刑玉璽( 2003 ) “射出成型之塑膠光學讀取透鏡收縮” ,國立成功大學航空太空工程研究所碩士論文。

Li g , jin mz . research on adaptive software architecture [ ph . d . thesis ] . beijing : beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics , 2002 ( in chinese with english abstract ) 李剛,金茂忠.適應性軟件體系結構研究[博士學位論文] .北京:北京航空航天大學, 2002

A team led by berggren of pioneer astronautics in colorado is working on a system that harvests oxygen by exposing lunar soil to carbon monoxide 科羅拉多州先鋒航天太空公司的波根也正領導一個小組,研究將月球土壤暴露在一氧化碳中以收集氧氣。