
astronaut n.宇(宙)航(行)員。-ess 女宇航員。

The “weightless“ condition of astronauts in orbit about the earth arises from just this cancellation of inertial and gravitational forces . 在圍繞地球運轉的軌道中,宇航員的“失重”狀態就是慣性力與引力相互抵消的結果。

It is in this sense that an astronaut orbiting the earth in a space capsule is said to be “weightless“ . 就在這種意義上,宇宙飛行員在宇宙密閉小艙里,環繞地球飛行時被說成是“失重”了。


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Do you know how an astronaut flies in a spacecraft 你知道太空人是怎樣乘太空船飛行的嗎

L wished the astronaut guy had his brother back 我許愿希望. . .能讓宇航員的弟弟獲得重生

Us astronauts spotted ufo ' s on moon ? ? 美國宇航員在月球上看過ufo嗎? ? ?

The boys made believe ( that ) they were astronauts 男孩兒們假扮成航天員

I wish the astronaut had his brother back 我希望能讓宇航員的弟弟獲得重生

The astronauts have special breathing apparatus 宇航員有特殊的呼吸裝置。

You re an astronaut and you can tie a windsor 你是太空人,還會打溫莎結?

Have the astronauts discovered life on mars 宇航員在火星上發現了生命嗎?

The astronaut accepted danger was part of the job 太空人承認他們的工作中包含著危險。

L wish the astronaut had his brother back 我希望能讓宇航員的弟弟獲得重生

Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness 太空人在飛行中必須適應失重狀態。

Was captained by nasa astronaut dr . bob lverson 由太空總署宇航員鮑勃艾弗森博士領導

Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness 宇航員在飛行中必須適應失重狀態。

The astronauts obtained rock samples from the moon 宇航員們從月球上帶回了巖石標本。

She taught for many before she became an astronaut 他在成為航天員前教了很多年的書。

The disaster killed the shuttle ' s seven astronauts 機上7名宇航員無一生還。