
astrometry n.天體測量(學)。


With the development of space geodesy techniques ( vlbi , llr , slr and gps , et al . ) , the application of classical geodesy and astrometry became less and less in application , but it is indispensability technique in absolute orientation of geodesy , launch of mid and long - distance arms , and in other scientific domains 隨著空間大地測量技術( vlbi 、 llr 、 slr和gps等)的發展,雖然天文測量在應用上有所減少,但在大地測量的絕對定位和中遠程武器的發射等領域中仍然是不可替代的技術。

This paper will introduce the basic principle of mensurating astronomical longitude , latitude and azimuth angle in detail , and summarize status quo and existent problems of geodesy and astrometry 本文詳細地介紹了天文經緯度和天文方位角測量的基本原理和方法,綜述了天文測量目前的發展狀況和存在的問題。

Additional objects , or asteroids not found by the moving object detection algorithm , may be measured by clicking on them , similar to the way objects have been measured in the tutorial i ( basic astrometry ) 其他目標或沒有被軟件認可發現的小行星,你也許可以用指南1中的方法來測量它們。

In astrometry , the term is applied to the difference between the observed position ( or magnitude ) of a reference star and the position ( or magnitude ) listed in the star catalog 在天文上,本術語指的是觀測的參考星的位置(或星等)與星表上的該星的位置(或星等)的差值。

The work of this paper may offer some reference and gist for research on astrometry and geodesy 本文的工作可為天文大地測量的研究提供一定的參考和依據。

Micro - arcsec astrometry 微角秒天體測量

Astrometry and celestial mechanics 天體測量與天體力學

Visual position measurements in astrometry are most affected . 天體測量學中視位置的測量受影響最大。