
astrologer n.1.星體研究者。2.占星學家。

A modern astrological interpretation of matthew ' s account of the star , based on the magi role as astrologers , claims to “ decode “ the star of bethlehem as a star configuration that was visible only to astrologers because the “ star “ was revealed in an astrological chart 基于東方三博士的角色是占星家,一位現代占星家對馬太福音的記載作了解釋,聲稱“譯解”了作為一顆恒星外形的圣誕星是只有占星家才看得見,因為這顆“星”是揭露在一張占星圖表上。

The term “ vedic astrology “ has been recently introduced by american and western astrologers in the 1980s and 1990s , leading to collaborative organizations such as the now - international council of vedic astrology “吠陀占星術”這個術語已經在上個世紀八十年代和九十年代被近代歐美占星家引入,導致像“新吠陀占星國際理事會”這樣的合作性組織出現。

“ you are wearied with your many counsels ; let now the astrologers , those who prophesy by the stars , those who predict by the new moons , stand up and save you from what will come upon you 賽47 : 13你籌劃太多、以至疲倦讓那些觀天象的、看星宿的、在月朔說豫言的、都站起來、救你脫離所要臨到你的事。

“ even when master was a child , an astrologer predicted that she was an extraordinary being , a very noble and virtuous person with great talent 當無上師小時候,就有一位占星學家預言她不是一位平凡的眾生,具有卓越的天資和高尚的道德感。

“ the early hindu astrologers are said to have used the magnet , in fixing the north and east , in laying foundations , and other religious ceremonies “最早的印度占星家據說是使用磁鐵去固定北面和東面,去瞄準地基,以及用作宗教儀式。

There was one guy whom the astrologer told , “ next week , by next week , you are going to die of a car accident . 有一個人去算命,算命的人告訴他:你七天內會因車禍而往生。

The astrologers answered the king , “ there is not a man on earth who can do what the king asks 10迦勒底人在王面前回答說,世上沒有人能將王所問的事說出來。


A modern astrological interpretation of matthew ' s account of the star , based on the magi role as astrologers , claims to “ decode “ the star of bethlehem as a star configuration that was visible only to astrologers because the “ star “ was revealed in an astrological chart 基于東方三博士的角色是占星家,一位現代占星家對馬太福音的記載作了解釋,聲稱“譯解”了作為一顆恒星外形的圣誕星是只有占星家才看得見,因為這顆“星”是揭露在一張占星圖表上。

Night came , and passepartout re - entered the native quarter , where he wandered through the streets , lit by vari - coloured lanterns , looking on at the dancers who were executing skilful steps and boundings , and the astrologers who stood in the open air with their telescopes 路路通又重新回到了辨天區。他在大街上溜溜達達,只見到處是五光十色的燈籠。他欣賞著那些闖江湖藝人的驚人絕技和那些在空地上招徠了許多觀眾來看望遠鏡的星象家。

When herod saw how the astrologers had tricked him he fell into a passion , and gave orders for the massacre of all children in bethlehem and its neighborhood , of the age of two years or less , corresponding with the time he had ascertained from the astrologers 當希律得知自己受了占星學家的欺騙后,便怒不可遏地下令:按占星學家們指出的時間,凡是伯利恒城或其周圍地區的兩歲以內的孩子,全都要殺掉。

We see likewise , the scripture call envy an evil eye ; and the astrologers , call the evil influences of the stars , evil aspects ; so that still there seem to be acknowledged , in the act of envy , an ejaculation or irradiation of the eye 我們同樣可以見到, 《圣經》中把嫉妒稱為“毒眼” ,占星術上則把不吉之星力叫作“兇象” ,以致世人似乎至今還承認,當嫉妒行為發生時,嫉妒者會眼紅或曰紅眼。

Vedic astrologers will frequently prescribe special stones , or specific therapeutic practices or meditation techniques using mantras to those facing difficult or unclear futures as predicted by means consistent with jyotish methodology 吠陀占星家會指定特別的石頭,或者特別的治療法,或者冥想技巧,利用咒語去面對困難或者不確定的將來,作為與周諦士方法論相協調一致的手段去作為預報。

The term “ vedic astrology “ has been recently introduced by american and western astrologers in the 1980s and 1990s , leading to collaborative organizations such as the now - international council of vedic astrology “吠陀占星術”這個術語已經在上個世紀八十年代和九十年代被近代歐美占星家引入,導致像“新吠陀占星國際理事會”這樣的合作性組織出現。

The ancient egyptian astrologers named two in each month , but the last monday in april , the second monday of august , and the third monday of december seem to have been specially unlucky 古埃及的占星家在每月中命名兩個不吉利日,但4月份的最后一個星期一、 8月的第二個星期一、 12月的第三個星期一似乎是三個最不吉利的日子。

The precious metal has been at 25 - year highs recently , but according to one chinese astrologer , the year of the dog could herald tumultuous times for commodities such as gold , and the stock market in general 最近貴金屬的價格已經創25年來的新高,但根據中國屬相學的理論,狗年預示著象黃金等商品和股票市場動蕩不安。

But the coming one , or so many believe , will be especially fortunate since it is not just a pig but a golden pig , the first in 60 or even 600 years , depending on which astrologer one consults 而據占星家說,即將到來的這一年不只是簡單的吉祥豬年,而是大吉大利的金豬年,這是六十年甚至六百年才能碰到的難得的一年。

An astrologer , seeing that mr . regan was a typical sagittarius , would have warned him about his propensity to go out on a verbal limb , and about his inability to perceive the effect of his own blunt words 由于里甘先生是一個典型的人馬座宿相,星相家一定會警告過他有言多必失的傾向,和說話魯莽而不自知的后果。

But the coming one , or so many believe , will be especially fortunate since it is not just a pig but a golden pig , the first in 60 or even 600 years , depending on which astrologer one consults 不過許多人相信,今年不僅僅是普通的豬年,更是象征財富的金豬年,尤其在占星家眼中,這可是60年乃至600年難得一遇。

“ you are wearied with your many counsels ; let now the astrologers , those who prophesy by the stars , those who predict by the new moons , stand up and save you from what will come upon you 賽47 : 13你籌劃太多、以至疲倦讓那些觀天象的、看星宿的、在月朔說豫言的、都站起來、救你脫離所要臨到你的事。