
astrodome n.【航空】(飛機機身頂部透明的半圓形)天文觀測窗[室]...


In the regions of astrodome physics , solid physics , photochemistry and medicine , measurement and calibration of spectral irradiance of ultraviolet and vacuum ultra - violet have become more and more important research means and instrument 紫外和真空紫外光譜輻照度的測量和定標,在天體物理、固體物理、光化學及醫藥學等領域中已成為越來越重要的研究手段和工具。

Twelve thousand refugees were bussed 560 kilometers from the superdome to houston ' s astrodome ( in texas ) , which is now filled to capacity . refugees are now being sent elsewhere 1萬2千名災民已經乘坐大客車離開大圓頂體育館來到560公里外的德州休斯頓市的阿斯托洛圓頂體育館。這座體育館現在已經人滿為患;新到的災民正在被送往其它地方。

This is the astrodome , the eighth wonder ofthe worid , and today . . 這里是艾斯特多姆體育場世界第八大奇跡,今天. .

This is the astrodome , the eighth wonder ofthe worid , and today 這里是艾斯特多姆體育場世界第八大奇跡,今天

Cannot flower in the gloom and shade of postponement to the astrodome . . 而這花不可能在延期的陰影下

Cannot flower in the gloom and shade of postponement to the astrodome 而這花不可能在延期的陰影下