
astrocyte n.星形(膠質)細胞。adj.-cytic


2 . silver staining and immunohistochemical methods were applied to explore the difference of gabaergic neurons and astrocytes ( specifically indicated by antibody of gfap ) in the primary visual cortex between young adult and old cats 2 .運用銀染及免疫組織化學abc方法,在光學顯微鏡下觀察、比較老年貓和青年貓初級視皮層v1區-氨基丁酸( gaba )能神經元和星形膠質細胞( gfap為其特異性標志物) 。

Results : the neural stem cells isolated in newborn rats had the potential of forming clones and serial passage , expressing neuroepithelial stem cell protein ( nestin ) and differentiating into neurons and astrocytes and oligodendrocytes 結果:新生大鼠腦組織分離的細胞具有連續傳代和增殖能力,表達神經上皮干細胞蛋白,誘導分化后的細胞表達神經元細胞、星形膠質細胞、少突膠質細胞特異性蛋白。

Scientists have known that neural stem cells play a key role in both embryonic and postnatal mice , driving the development of specialized cells within the brain such as neurons , astrocytes , oligodendrocytes , and ependymal cells 科學家們已經知道神經干細胞在胚胎和出生后小鼠均扮演著重要角色,推動著大腦具體細胞的發育例如神經元、星形細胞,膠質細胞和室管膜細胞。

Objective : in this study we try to simultaneously investigate the response of neurons and astrocytes of rats following hyperosmotic stimulation and focus attention on the role of neuronal - astrocytic complex in the osmotic reglution 目的:本研究試圖從整體水平共同觀察神經元和ast對高滲透壓刺激的反應,探討神經膠質細胞?神經元復合體在滲透壓調控過程中的作用。

Morphological study on response and relationship of neurons and astrocytes in rat brain and spinal cord to pain induced by the unilateral tibia and fibula fracture as constitute nearly half of the total cns 從而研究as在外周疼痛刺激反應中是否對神經元具有主動調控作用,并進一步探討as和神經元之間的信息通訊結構在疼痛刺激反應調節中的作用。

The fetal cells transformed into what seem like neurons , astrocytes ( which help to feed neurons ) , oligodendrocytes ( which insulate neurons ) and macrophages ( which ingest germs and damaged cells ) 可以轉化為神經元細胞、星形膠質細胞(可為神經元細胞提供養分) ,少突膠質細胞(可分隔神經元細胞) 、巨噬細胞(可吞噬消化細菌和受損細胞) 。

Neural stem cells is a kind of stem cells defined as neural cells with the potential to self - renew and to generate all the different cell types of the nervous system following differentiation : astrocytes , oligodendrocytes , neurons 神經干細胞是一類具有分化為神經元、星形膠質細胞、少突膠質細胞潛能,并能自我增殖的多能干細胞。

Neural stem cells ( nscs ) are some cells that not only can maintain the capacity for self - renewal and provide plenty of cells of the cns but also can differentiate into neurons , astrocytes or oligodendrocytes 神經干細胞是指具有分化為神經元、星形膠質細胞、少突膠質細胞能力的、能自我更新并足以提供大量腦組織細胞的細胞。

The investigation progress of several cell lines including fibroblasts , intestinal cells , liver cells , renal cells , immunocytes , astrocytes , neural cells used in the study were introduced in this article 本文介紹了幾類用于此項研究的細胞試驗,包括纖維原細胞、腸細胞、肝細胞、腎細胞、免疫細胞、星形膠質細胞、神經細胞。

These include inflammatory stimulation by interaction of alpha - synuclein with microglia and astrocytes and a suppressive action by nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drugs on dopamine quinone formation 這包括阿爾法-突觸核蛋白與小膠質細胞和星形膠質細胞相互作用產生的炎癥性刺激,以及非甾體類抗炎藥對多巴醌形成的抑制作用。

Smith of yale university ( now at stanford university ) used calcium imaging to show that the calcium concentration in an astrocyte would rise suddenly when the neurotransmitter glutamate was added to a cell culture 結果顯示,如果把神經傳遞物麩胺酸加入組織培養中的星狀細胞,細胞中鈣離子的濃度就會突然上升。

The astrocytes were responding as if the neurotransmitter had just been released by a neuron , and they were essentially discussing the news of presumed neuronal firing among themselves 星狀細胞的反應就像是神經傳遞物剛從神經元釋出的情形一樣,而且,它們基本上該是在互相討論著有關神經沖動的消息。

Schizophrenia is also associated withdamageto astrocytes . pregnant women with high levels of antibodies to toxoplasmaaremore likely to give birth to children who willdevelopschizophrenia 關于寄生蟲,特別是外星寄生蟲入侵人類大腦的故事,早已成為國內外科幻小說家們熱衷的題材之一。

After hyperosmotic treatment , cx43 - li granules increased quickly on the plasm of the cultured astrocytes and cx32 - li increased apparently in the cultured neurons 而對培養的神經元和星形膠質細胞施予高滲刺激,星形膠質細胞膜上cx43樣陽性顆粒迅速增多,神經元cx32表達明顯增強。

The authors used two - photon time - lapse imaging of cultured hippocampal slices to isualize fluorescently labeled dendrites and green fluorescent protein - expressing astrocytes 作者采用雙光子成像方法對培養海馬腦片進行研究,觀察熒光標記樹突和綠色熒光蛋白表達星形膠質細胞。

Treat primary cultured neurons and astrocytes with hyperosmotic stimulation . immunofluorescence was used to study the expression of cx43 and cx32 in son neurons and astrocytes 應用westernblot技術檢測高滲刺激后視上核縫隙連接蛋白( connexin , cx ) 32和43含量。

The results are consistent with contact - dependent signaling between dendritic protrusions and astrocyte processes during the formation of dendritic spines 在形成樹突脊的過程中樹突狀突起與星形膠質細胞相互作用的信號傳導是接觸依賴性的,本研究結果與之一致。

Calcium responses could be induced in astrocytes by adding neurotransmitters or by using electrodes to stimulate the release of neurotransmitters from synapses 星狀細胞的鈣離子反應,可以藉由添加神經傳遞物或利用電極刺激突觸釋出神經傳遞物所引發。

The cytokines released by activated microglia and astrocyte can protect and ( or ) injury neurons and react with each other 活化的小膠質細胞和星形膠質細胞釋放的多種炎癥因子不僅發揮著保護和(或)損傷神經元的作用,而且存在著復雜的相互聯系和作用。