
astringent adj.1.【醫學】收斂的,止血的。2.嚴厲的,嚴格的。...


Now the towers have already been link by a lately - set up on foot street , the west temple tower is fix a new , the east temple tower still keeps the original , new and old contrast under , pour to feel the bright and new west temple tower a the parties nouveau riche imposing style , let hard compliment of person , read the east temple tower of the exhausted vicissitudes of life but cool - headed astringent , let the persons extremely regret 現在東西寺塔已經被一條新建的步行街連接起來,西寺塔被修葺一新,東寺塔仍保持原貌,新舊對比之下,倒覺得簇新的西寺塔一派暴發戶氣派,讓人難以恭維,閱盡滄桑的東寺塔卻沉穩內斂,讓人不勝感慨。

Above meaning is ; lowers the head looks , gains ground looks , i only see that lonely blue ; the sky color installs in the innermost feelings which i seals up , is only left over the bitter and astringent flavor ; hits the happy door leaf , the release mood , lets us ferment the sweet good wine , holds a memorial service for greatly , consoles 神靈 , lets the dark strength let our connecting rod , altogether goes to the distant place 低頭看,抬頭看,我只見到那孤獨的藍;天空的顏色裝在我封閉的內心里,只剩下苦澀的味道;打開心扉,釋放心情,讓我們醞釀甘甜的美酒,祭奠大地,告慰神靈,讓冥冥的力量讓我們牽手,共赴遠方。 。 。 。 。

Belong to our worlds , fine but again brief ; i can collect as treasure those bitter and astringent green fruits silently , collecting as treasure a beautiful but sad nursery tale for the elephant , purely true age , always think i would connect together with your world , also think the virgin soil of virginity can compose to write new of < > , who anticipate a god lane person 屬于我們的世界,美好而又短暫;我只能默默地珍藏那些苦澀的青果,就象珍藏一個美麗而哀傷的童話,純真的年代,總以為我和你的世界會連在一起,也以為童貞的處女地可以譜寫新的< > ,誰料上天弄人

Ounce glass of water is recommended . also drinking hot tea any type with a little lemon will help . the liquid and heat soothe and hydrate4 the throat while the lemon acts as an astringent to shrink swollen tissues . if a sore throat lasts more than a couple of days see a doctor for a throat culture to rule out strep throat 最好在一杯8盎司的水中放半勺鹽。另外,喝加了少許檸檬的熱茶任何茶也會有所幫助。液體和熱氣會減輕嗓子痛,給嗓子提供水份,而檸檬則起到收斂劑的作用,使腫起的組織收縮。

Edo became the consumption center of decorative papers , and the use of astringent - shrunk papers ( papers treated with persimmon juice ) gave rise to other techniques and effects , included dye prints , brushed effects and pebbled effects , all of which began in edo 唐紙的歷史起源于平安中期對中國產唐紙的仿造。江戶成為唐紙的最大消費地、由此產生了用澀型紙板經過摁染、毛刷、搖砂等工藝的江戶唐紙。

Live like one cup coffee , bitter and astringent but again delicious , strong but bear a person to enjoy in retrospect again happiness , happiness , hardships , frustrate , whet difficult and confused . but end everybody will harvest to belong to his happiness 生活就如同一杯咖啡,苦澀而又香醇,濃烈而又耐人回味歡樂、幸福、艱辛、挫折、磨難、困惑.但最終每個人都會收獲屬于他(她)的幸福

A mood - enhancing herb ; mildly astringent , anti - inflammatory and anti - microbial , a beneficial ingredient in facial treatments for oily , acne - prone skin , as well as for dry , sensitive or irritated skin ; helps speed tissue healing 能將血清水平提升,減低情緒抑郁;植物性溫和特質可收斂抑制油脂過度分泌,對清潔頭發及頭皮油污、暗瘡性皮膚有很好的功效,亦可加快傷口愈合。

In the processing of high order nonlinear differential equation , this paper presents recursive least square algorithm to speed up the compute speed and guarantee the astringent . it can be included three points from the estimate result 在高次非線性方程組求解過程中,為了取到較好的初值來保證收斂性,并為了提高計算速度,采用了最小二乘法的遞推算法。

Rose is well known for its mild anti - viral and bactericidal properties , as well as for its fragrance . rose water , recovered from distillation , is mildly astringent and balancing . roman chamomile also has bactericidal and fungicidal activities 玫瑰與洋甘菊融合了抗敏,保濕與美白的功能,是特效抗氧化的最佳配搭,用來作妝前緊膚水及護膚尤其理想。

Properties : a significant astringent effect , useful for inflamed and tender skin conditions , such as eczema . it is also valuable for damaged facial veins , varicose veins and hemorrhoids 特性:具極佳的收?作用,對發炎及敏感的皮膚,如濕疹有舒緩作用。對治療面部微血管破裂、靜脈曲張及痔瘡也有很好的療效。

Made with organically grown clove , a detoxifying herb that also enhances warm tones , and organically grown coffee , which enriches brown hues and provides astringent benefits to your scalp 含有有機種植的丁香-一種可以增加暖色調的解毒草藥配合有機種植的咖啡-能增加棕色效果并對頭皮起舒緩作用。

White oak bark is one of the strongest natural astringent herbs available . it tightens tissues , contains blood - clotting agents and strengthens blood vessels , making it ideal for treating bleeding 白英國櫟是最強的天然收斂劑,它能收緊組織、含有凝血因子和強化血管作用,于止血方面非常有效。

Calm inflammation and restore moisture , is cooling and astringent . it gives a remarkable spring scent . suitable for acne - prone skin and addition to eye creams . origin : india 舒緩發炎皮膚,保充水份,有降溫和收?功9效;有芬芳清新的春天香味,適合暗瘡皮膚,亦非常適合用來做眼霜。產地:印度。

The catechins are responsible for the slightly astringent , metallic taste of green tea beverage . they are involved also in browning and other types of discoloration in foods of plant origin 兒茶素是綠茶飲料略帶收斂性金屬味的主要根源,也與植物性食品的褐變和其它類型的變色有關。

This is a group of astringent , organic compounds derived from grape skins , stems and pips that dissolve into wine during fermentation and imbue it with depth , character and increased longevity 這種有機物來自葡萄皮、梗和籽實,在發酵過程中溶解,它使葡萄酒有內涵、特征和壽命。

Anti - inflammatory , anti - bacterial ; can protect and replenish damaged acne - prone skin ; natural astringent , able to neutralize oily skin , improve eczema and inflammed skin 抗炎、抗菌、保護和修復因病毒而受損的皮膚如青春痘,收斂、凈化效益油性肌膚適用,改善濕疹、皮膚炎。

A synergy of astringent and regenerating organic herbs such as elder , fennel , comfrey and sandalwood , organic buttermilk and organic essential oils of peppermint and bergamot will do their jobs 成份有機杏仁牛奶蜂蜜甘草薄荷佛手柑檀香香茅,樟腦薰衣草等。

In terms of actions , herbs with astringent , descending and sinking actions belong to yin , while those with dispersing , ascending and floating actions pertain to yang 就藥物的功效而言,具有收斂、沉降功效的藥物屬陰,具有發散、升浮功效的藥物屬陽。

Astringent . the characteristic flavour of wines which produces an unpleasant chemical stimulus in the mouth , due to an excessive level of ethyl acetate 澀的、收斂性的:葡萄酒中乙酸乙酯含量過高時的典型特征,給口腔帶來一種不適的化學刺激感。