
astringe vt.1.束縛,使收斂。2.收縮,壓縮。


3 . developed simply and practical fluid network algorithm for large - scale of pipe networks , such as air - gas system and powder manufacture system . iterative computation used in this algorithm is not only astringing quickly and numerical calculating steadily but also cater the required ratio of precision and guarantee the real - time and any performance simulation of fluid network 3 、本文對風煙系統和制粉系統等大型管網,建立了簡單實用的流體網絡模型算法,此法在迭代計算中,不僅可以快速收斂和數值計算穩定,而且滿足一定的仿真精度,較好的保證了流體網絡的全工況實時仿真。

He emphasizes , on the basis of healthy qi , the combination of disease and syndrome differentiation , treatment and prevention ; spleen - nourishing medicines are orally and rectally administered : purging and astringing methods are given 在扶助正氣的基礎上,強調辨病與辨證相結合,防治并舉;用藥首重益氣健脾,采用中藥內服加保留灌腸的方法;結合腑病特性,合理應用“攻下”與“收斂”法。

Function : it will tighten and astringe pores to replenish skins moisture 功能:收緊毛孔,補充皮膚水分。