
astride adj.〔多作表語〕,adv.兩腳分開,跨。 be as...

She was a “ reincarnate level 145 , “ having undergone dangers and hardships to win her crown and sit astride a dragon covered in sparkling , flaming scales 她如今是“轉生145級” ,歷經艱險戴上了王冠,她的坐騎是一條渾身閃著火光的龍。


One instant he was astride a broncho and flying through the fairy - colored painted desert country ; the next instant he was gazing down through shimmering heat into the whited sepulchre of death valley , or pulling an oar on a freezing ocean where great ice islands towered and glistened in the sun 他一時騎著野牛在色彩絢麗宛如仙境的彩繪沙漠上飛馳一時又穿過閃著微光的熱氣俯瞰著死亡谷的曬白了的墓窟。他在快要凍結的海洋上劃著槳,海面上巍然高聳的龐大冰山熠耀在陽光里。

In the fourth and fifth chapters , two modes of the transformation of institutions of urbanization - the small - towns - dominating one and the astride - zones - flowing one are studied . firstly , in the fourth chapter , the functions of small towns in urbanization are expounded , and some models in small - towns - dominating system innovation are concluded , many suggestions about how to avoid some problems in this system innovation are raised , too 在第四章中,論文對城鎮化中小城鎮作用進行了充分的論述,并對撤鄉并鎮型、整體遷移型、城鎮擴展型等具體的小城鎮主導型的制度變遷模式進行了歸納和總結,提出在小城鎮主導型的制度變遷模式中所應該考慮的一些問題。

Then in the fifth chapter , the process of formation , the tendency of innovation , and the inward mechanism of astride - zones - flowing system innovations are analyzed , meanwhile , the case of migratory population concentrating - residence in shipai town in guangzhou city is dissected 在第五章中,論文對跨區域流動型的制度變遷模式的形成過程、創新的趨勢和內在機制進行了分析,并對廣州石牌村的跨區域流動人口聚居區的案例進行剖析。

Then caderousse sat astride the coping , and drawing up his ladder passed it over the wall ; then he began to descend , or rather to slide down by the two stanchions , which he did with an ease which proved how accustomed he was to the exercise 于是卡德魯斯騎在墻頭上,把梯子抽起來,把它靠在墻外然后他開始下去,或說得更準確些,是跨著梯子的兩條直柱滑下去,這個動作他做得很安閑自在,證明他是多么的練習有素。

Hanging on to a plank or astride of a beam for grim life , life - belt round round him , gulping salt water , and that s the last of his nibs till the sharks catch hold of him 拼死拼活地抓住一塊板子,或跨在一根桁條上,身上纏著救生帶, 161嘴里灌進海水。這是他最后的掙扎了,直到被鯊魚捉住。

Venezuela sits astride the largest oil reserves outside of the middle east and the oil industry is the motor of the economy and the source of most of the government ' s revenue 委內瑞拉是繼中東以外最大的石油儲備國,石油工業是經濟發展動力也是政府的主要財政來源。

I ' d rather win a water - fight in the swimming pool , or remain astride a horse that is trying to out from under me , than write the great american novel 我寧愿贏得游泳池的水戰,或繼續跨騎一匹一直想要掙脫的馬,而不愿意去寫一部偉大的美國小說。

Presently the confusion took form , and through the fog of battle tom appeared , seated astride the new boy , and pounding him with his fists 最后誰勝誰敗逐漸見了分曉,湯姆從塵土中爬起來,騎在那個男孩的身上,攥緊拳頭使勁地打那個男孩。

She was a “ reincarnate level 145 , “ having undergone dangers and hardships to win her crown and sit astride a dragon covered in sparkling , flaming scales 她如今是“轉生145級” ,歷經艱險戴上了王冠,她的坐騎是一條渾身閃著火光的龍。

Bruce went into a low gear and drove at a terrifying speed , keeping the front wheels astride the crack as he followed its zigzag course 布魯斯掛上慢檔,把兩只前輪分別擱在裂縫的兩邊,順著彎彎曲曲的裂縫,以發瘋的速度向前開去。

Provisions were purchased at kholby , and while sir francis and mr fogg took the howdahs on either side , passepartout got astride the saddle - cloth between them 路路通高居在主人和旅長之間,兩腿跨在鞍墊上。象童趴在象脖子上。

Bruce engaged low gear and drove at a terrifying speed , keeping the frout wheels astride the crack as he followed its zig - zag course 布魯斯接上了低檔,開車速度令人害怕;他在使前輪分跨地裂的同時曲曲折折前進。

It was for this reason that he did not trust himself to the river astride one of the many drift - logs which lined its sand - spits 而且,也正是因為這個原因,他才沒有跨上那些與河灘線并行的浮木,讓河水把他帶走。

We who are living today have the good fortune to stand astride two centuries as witnesses to many earth - shaking historical changes 我們有幸生當今日,橫跨兩個世紀,見證歷史上許多掀天覆地的變化。

You can stand astride the greenwich meridian 0 line and have one foot in the western hemisphere and one foot in the eastern 您可以橫跨在格林威治子午線零度線上,使一只腳在西半球,一只腳在東半球。

When d urberville got back to the tent he sat down astride on a chair reflecting , with a pleased gleam in his face 德貝維爾回到帳篷以后,就叉開雙腿坐在椅子上沉思起來,臉上閃現出得意的神氣。

You must ensure that the passenger sits astride the motorcycle on a fixed seat behind you with feet firmly on footrests 應確保乘客跨坐在你背后的固定座位上,而且兩腳踏穩在腳踏板上。

The other eleven cards in this pack represented the senapati and ten others with a soldier astride an elephant 其他十一張“象牌”是代表將軍,還有十張是畫著一位跨著大象的士兵。