
astriction n.1.限制;收縮;束縛。2.【醫學】收斂(作用);便秘...


Through expert s analysis , aloe contains rich natural protein , vitamin , chlorophyl and the neccessary microelements . it has effects of laxative , stomach care , detoxifcation , detumescence , acesodyne and diminish inflammation . so aloe is usually used to treat astriction , cold , cough , headach , car sickness , bronchia , gastric ulcer , liver disease , hypertension , diabetes , eczema , fleck , chilblain , scald , cancer , etc 經科學分析,它含有大量天然蛋白質、維生素、葉綠素、洛性酶和人體必需的微量元素及蘆蔡大黃素等七十多種成份,具有催瀉、健胃、通經、解毒、消腫止痛、清熱抗炎等作用,對便秘、感冒、頭痛、咳嗽、暈車、支氣管、胃瘍病、小兒厭食癥、肝病、出血癥、高血壓、糖尿病、濕疹、雀斑、凍瘡、燙傷、刀傷、癌癥等數十種疾病有療效。

But the products are developed in our country have not used in clinic successfully . many elements restrict the exploitation of vascular prostheses in our country . one of the astriction maybe is the lack of a research on the biomechanical performance for vascular prostheses and the reasonable test methods 我國研究的各種產品尚不能達到滿意的臨床效果,限制我國人造血管開發的因素是多方面的,其中嚴重缺乏對人造血管的生物力學基本性能的研究可能是主要原因之一,因為關于紡織基人造血管的性能和性能表征的深入研究,以及關于各表征指標的測試方法和測試手段的研究,在我國幾乎是空白。

As a new interface caters for rapid development of computer peripheral equipment , universal serial bus ( for short usb ) dispels astriction of communication through traditional serial port and parallel port . it is very suitable for real time image data transmission , which requires high speed . this theme describes two - circuit systems , which utilize usb interface to data from a digital image sensor to pc 為了迎合計算機上設的快速發展以及消除計算機外設通過串、并口的通訊的局限性,出現了新的計算機外設接口usb (通用串行總線) ,這種新型接口對于實時的視頻傳輸很適用,本文設計了兩套電腦眼基于ez - usb2131q的usb接口系統。

The research overcomes the shortcomings of primers in common use , and breaks through the traditional astriction of absence of chemical bond between new and old concrete . both macrostructure and microstructure as well as bond mechanism was discussed and some further research advice was put forward 本研究克服了以往的界面劑僅能改善界面層宏觀或微細觀結構的缺點,突破了新老混凝土粘結層主要依靠范德華力提供界面粘結力而幾乎不存在化學鍵作用的缺點。

The catv charge and control system has excellent compatibility with other signals and no astriction in signal format , so you doesn ` t need to worry about its future . the system involves many technical fields , including controls of computer 、 communication 、 high frequency of electric circuits , and now it serves for more than 1 , 000 , 000 customers 該系統涉及多個研究領域,包括計算機控制、通信、高頻電子電路等多個領域的知識,涉及用戶多達60萬戶。

Having get rid of the astriction of tripod , chinavr s photographers put the camera to a free position wherever they could get 擺脫三腳架的束縛,突破常規視角的限制,給你一個現實生活中從未有過,也不可能的視覺體驗!

Black plum can make one s throat feel better and candied jujube can cure one s astriction 如烏梅甘潤喉,五香作橄欖可開胃,蜜棗可解便秘等。