
astrict vt.1.束縛,限制。2.(在道德和法律上)約束。3.使...

( 5 ) nowadays , the measures to cortrol srt include the following : designing the scale scientifically ; improving evaluator ' s competence by trainning ; consummating the laws and rules to astrict evaluators “ behavior ; making up effective feedback system to enhance the actual effect 第五,當前,學生評教質量控制的主要措施須針對測評量表的設計、評價者素質的提高、評價制度的建設、測評信息反饋等方面存在的問題開展工作。

But by now , primary social economic structure has been break , when peasants have the impetus to leave the land and change the life estate , they also have the impetus to cast off the status astrict of “ peasant “ , and to be a “ townsman “ 而在今天,原來的社會經濟結構被打破,當農民們有了離開土地、改變生活狀態的沖動的同時,還有另外的要在身份上擺脫“農民”的束縛,做“城市人”的沖動。


This paper first summarizes the production of the e - u - r cooperation for domestic and abroad scholar , and this cooperation is the combination of academic , industry and government ; secondly , try to analyze the reason which astrict the development of independent innovation ; finally , based on the comparative analysis , the article discusses the politic design of the independent innovation in china , which focuses on three main part of independent innovation 但同時自主創新的發展受我國制度和國情等原因的約束,也受到了制約,三個主體之間政府在自主創新中發揮了巨大的作用,而企業和學界之間的溝通不順暢,并沒有形成自發的合作,自己在做自己的創新,直接導致在自主創新的鏈條中,基礎研究和實踐發展的脫節,限制了我國自主創新的產出。

( 5 ) nowadays , the measures to cortrol srt include the following : designing the scale scientifically ; improving evaluator ' s competence by trainning ; consummating the laws and rules to astrict evaluators “ behavior ; making up effective feedback system to enhance the actual effect 第五,當前,學生評教質量控制的主要措施須針對測評量表的設計、評價者素質的提高、評價制度的建設、測評信息反饋等方面存在的問題開展工作。

But by now , primary social economic structure has been break , when peasants have the impetus to leave the land and change the life estate , they also have the impetus to cast off the status astrict of “ peasant “ , and to be a “ townsman “ 而在今天,原來的社會經濟結構被打破,當農民們有了離開土地、改變生活狀態的沖動的同時,還有另外的要在身份上擺脫“農民”的束縛,做“城市人”的沖動。