
astray adv.迷路;墮落。 go astray 走錯路;墮落,...

“did your father love her?“ louisa asked these questions with a strong, wild, wandering interest peculiar to her; and interest gone astray like a banished creature, and hiding in solitary places . “你的父親愛她嗎?”露易莎問這些問題的時候,總是帶著她那種特有的強烈、放縱、而又游移不定的興趣這種興趣就象一個被放逐的人走錯了路,藏躲在僻遠的地方一樣。


All things may go astray in this world , but not love 在這個世界上,一切都可能迷路,愛情是決不會迷路的。

They advised customers not to be led astray by the false ad 他們建議消費者不要被虛假廣告引入歧途(誤導)

Better ask the way than go astray 寧可問路,不可迷路。

A dream seeking journey going astray 誤入歧途的尋夢之旅

They drove his wits astray , he said , by visions of hell “關于地獄的幻影, ”他說, “使他的思路紊亂了。

One should take care of one s thoughts ; don t let them go astray 應該照顧自己的內心,不要讓它那么亂。

And when they led you astray , faith in times of opposition . . 當你誤入歧途信仰在你天人交戰的時候…

Jealous attitudes may lead you astray 嫉妒會讓你誤入歧途。

To save us all from satan ' s power when we were gone astray 為從撒旦的手中救出我們當我們誤入歧途。

But advertising sometimes goes astray 有時廣告也走歪門邪道。

The misleading sign led me astray 那個標志誤人,它使我迷了路。

She was our prize graduate student till she went astray 在她誤入歧途之前她曾是我們的優秀畢業生

And when they led you astray , faith in times of opposition 當你誤入歧途信仰在你天人交戰的時候

She was shunned by her former friends after she went astray 她偏離正道后,從前的朋友都回避她。

She was shunned by her former friends after she went astray 她走偏了之后,從前的朋友都?避她。

Keep thy flock , from sin defend us , seek us when we go astray 必將你藏?恩翅下,天父必看顧你。

Don ' t be led astray by false theories 不要被錯誤的理論引入歧途。

Plain sense but rarely leads us astray 明了的意識很少讓我們迷路。