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astral body (迷信傳說的)魂靈,魂魄。

Although his physical body has decomposed , his soul is trapped inside his astral body . what we have here is the “ physical body . “ there is another kind of body called the astral body 有時候我們聽到有什么人死掉以后回來作怪,有時候他會現他的身體給某些人看,這個是真的有,不是沒有,因為他的肉體壞掉,不過他這個靈魂還被包在阿修羅身體里面。

In the “ life and teaching of the masters of the far east “ the author , baird t . spalding , wrote that there are plenty of spiritual masters living in the himalayas . maybe they have something like an astral body 看百德史伯丁所著的遠東大師的生活與教理一書,它說在喜馬拉雅山上有許多師父,他們的身體幾乎接近靈體了。

astral hatch

The quan yin method is an educational method for entering the superior worlds and an educational concept for the whole universe . through its practice , our astral bodies can rise to higher realms at any time , to learn from the wiser sentient beings and benefit from the teachings of the cosmic teachers 觀音法門便是一種超世界的教育方式一種宇宙的教育觀,透過這種修持,我們的靈體隨時可以前往更高等的境界向更高等智慧的眾生學習向宇宙的老師請益,毫無時空限制地接受無形的教育。

Whether they are right or wrong , our actions , speech , and thoughts turn into a special kind of sphere that surrounds us and follows us wherever we go . it envelops us when we are alive , and the scientists call it the magnetic field of a person . after we die , this magnetic field takes another form and continues to hang around our astral body 無論身口意對或是不對,都會變成一種特別的氣氛,包圍我們起來,跟著我們走,到任何的地方,我們在世的時候,它也圍在我們旁邊,科學稱為一個人的磁場人死了以后,這個磁場還是圍在他的另外一種身體的四周。

The peacock ' s tail stage - the conscious experience of the astral body - stands alone in this picturing of the process , though it was sometimes split into two facets , in the writings of some alchemists - an initial winged dragon phase which resolved into the peacock ' s tail 孔雀尾巴狀態? ?星形身體的意識體驗? ?獨一無二地站立在這個過程的描繪里面,通過它不時地分裂出兩個刻面,在一些煉金術士的作品里面? ?最初有翼的龍的階段下決心進入孔雀的尾巴。

In the initial encounter with the astral body , the negative distorted aspects of one ' s being can dominate , and these can be pictured as the winged dragon , but through soul purification , ultimately the full beauty and splendour of the astral body are revealed in the peacock ' s tail 最初遇到星形的身體,負面地否認一個人可以支配的面貌,最后是星形身體的完整美麗和光彩壯麗,在孔雀尾巴顯然出來。

Although his physical body has decomposed , his soul is trapped inside his astral body . what we have here is the “ physical body . “ there is another kind of body called the astral body 有時候我們聽到有什么人死掉以后回來作怪,有時候他會現他的身體給某些人看,這個是真的有,不是沒有,因為他的肉體壞掉,不過他這個靈魂還被包在阿修羅身體里面。

In the “ life and teaching of the masters of the far east “ the author , baird t . spalding , wrote that there are plenty of spiritual masters living in the himalayas . maybe they have something like an astral body 看百德史伯丁所著的遠東大師的生活與教理一書,它說在喜馬拉雅山上有許多師父,他們的身體幾乎接近靈體了。

When we awake , the 以太 body contracts and re - absorbs the astral body ; forming a dense 以太 sheath , or skin , which holds within it our stored energy and subtle bodies 當我們醒來時,以太身體收縮并重新吸收星體軀體;形成一個稠密的以太外殼、或皮膚,它將我們存儲的能量和微細身體保持在它之內。

But it does not explain about further acceleration of speed of going away or why the whole of astral bodies are spinning & rotating around themselves & others 不過,這無法解釋為何隨著相互遠離加速度會進一步增大,或者為何所有的星體都圍繞它們自身和其他星體自轉或公轉。

The astral body contains within0 it all the other subtle bodies and can , during a projection , project the mental body into the mental dimension and so on 星體軀體之內包含所有其它微細身體,并且在投射中可以投射意識身體至意識層,等等。

You will find that a certain way of holding the focus of your mind , while you climb , will exert more pressure on your astral body than another 當你在攀爬時,你會發現集中注意力的某種方法會比另一種方法對你的星體軀體施加更多壓力。

This is great ! you ' ll think , yes . . . . i did it ! you are now consciously projecting your astral body , and hey , it does feel great 這好極了!你會想,是的… …我做到了!你現在正在有意識地投射你的星體軀體,而且,它確實感覺好極了!

Should your astral body one day travel to certain planets in the universe , you may find a celestial queen wearing the familiar celestial clothes 如果你的靈飛向宇宙中某些星球參觀,也許會發現某星球女王穿的正是熟悉的天衣!

Shifting your point of consciousness away from your body , by visualising , is simply a way of exerting pressure on the astral body 通過觀想,將你的意識點移出身體,這只是對星體軀體施加壓力的一種方法。