
astral adj.1.星的;星狀的;【生物學】星狀體的。2.星界的...

astral body

We could just put an example , like the one a little bit higher than us . what we call the astral world in the western terminology 比方說比我們高一點的世界,以西方的用語我們稱之為阿修羅世界。

You will feel a slight giddy feeling in the pit of your stomach , or solar plexus , as pressure is put on the astral body 當向星體軀體施加壓力時,你會在你胃的底部,或太陽神經叢感到輕微的顫動。

As the astral dimension is the natural domain of the astral body , it will not fade out of it due to a lack of energy 由于星體層是星體軀體的自然領域,它不會由于能量缺乏而在其中消失。

Treading the chaotic spaces between worlds , the ethereals are astral travelers who dwell within the twisting nether 徘徊在位面間的混沌空間,虛空幽客是居住在扭曲虛空中的靈界旅行者。

Information about interesting stars and planets in the galaxy , as well as astral bodies outside the milky way -包括有關的知識介紹天文館建設資料觀測技巧指導有關軟件下載和論壇。

The paralysis , vibrations and the huge feeling are symptoms of the energy body expanding and the astral body loosening 麻痹、振動和擴張的感覺是能量體擴張和星體軀體松動的征兆。

What it boils down to is this : the astral mind must have enough energy to give it strong , vivid memories 這可歸結為:星體意識必須有足夠的能量以給予它強有力的、生動的記憶。

These methods all disorient the mind and trick the subconscious into tuning into another part of the astral 這些方法都會使頭腦失去方向感,誘使潛意識調諧至星體層的另一部分。

Or if we re saddened by the loss of some possessions , then we re still inside the astral realm 或是我們為了損失一些財產,而在那邊很傷心的話,同樣也還在阿修羅境界里。

This is part one of a series of articles that will endeavour to define the astral world and the projection process 這是描述星體世界和投射過程系列論文的第一部分。

The astral me moved around the room , observing my body in the chair while it was watching me 星體的我圍繞房間移動,觀察著坐在椅子中的我的身體,而它也在觀察我。

Learn to become multidimensional , to exist in the astral world , and to travel beyond the physical body 學習變成多維的,存在于星際世界中,而去超越物理身體旅行。

I have , so far , projected into the astral , mental , buddhic and atmic levels of existence 到目前為止,我已投射至星體層、意識層、布迪克層和阿特密層的存在層次。

Try closing your eyes . this is a dead giveaway as you cannot close your eyes in astral form 嘗試閉上眼睛。在星體形式中時你不能閉上眼睛,這一試便知。

After the physical body has fallen asleep , the astral body always projects into the physical world 當物質軀體入睡后,星體軀體總是投射至物質世界。

I could feel myself in the chair , trying to follow my astral body around the room 我能感到我自己坐在椅子中,試圖跟隨在房間中移動的我的星體軀體。

Projecting consciously into levels higher than the astral dimension takes a high level of skill 有意識地投射至高于星體層的層次需要高層次的技巧。

Lift your astral arm up and look at it , with your eyes closed , but don ' t move a muscle 提起你的星體軀體并用你閉上的眼睛看著它,但不要運動肌肉。

I could still see the astral me , even when i was behind the physical me 甚至當我在物質的我的身后時,我仍然可以看見星體的我。