
astragalus n.(pl. -li )1.【解剖學】距骨。2.〔A-〕...


Experimental study on effects of varying prescriptions of radix astragali seu hedysari , hirudo and lumbricus on ischemic apoplexy 地龍不同配伍治療缺血性中風實驗研究

Survival quality on astragalus membranaceus - ligustrum lucidum in treating oral and maxillofacial squamous carcinoma 貞芪扶正沖劑對頜面部鱗癌化療患者生存質量的影響

Main ingredient : ginseng , manyprickle acathopanax root , china wolfberry , astragalus root , rhizoma polygonati 2抗衰老抗氧化抗輻射3強心固本,安神生精,延年益壽

Ingredient : astragalus membranaceus , pseudo - ginseng , pearl powder , fruit of chinese wolfberry , chrysanthemum , etc 主要成份:黃芪,三七,珍珠粉,枸杞子,菊花。

Studies on factors affecting the transformation of astragalus mombranaceus bunge var . mongholicus with agrobacterium rhizogenes 質粒轉化蒙古黃芪影響因素的研究

Thirty patients with diabetic nephropathy treated by combined therapy of crude rhubarb powder and astragalus injection 生大黃粉合黃芪注射液治療糖尿病腎病30例

Effect of astragalus injection on levels of blood selenium and immunity function in children with viral myocarditis 黃芪對病毒性心肌炎患兒血硒及免疫功能影響

The study of astragalus polysaccharides on inducing the cord blood monocyte into the dendritic cells 黃芪多糖誘導臍血單核細胞分化為樹突狀細胞的實驗研究

Analyse the ginseng amp; amp; astragalus combination removing heat with sweet - warm from the mechanism of yin fire 從陰火的病機解析補中益氣湯甘溫除熱之理

The treatment of henoch - schonlein purpura nephritis with astragalus injection and the effect on hemorrheology 黃芪注射液治療紫癜腎及對血液流變性的影響

Decocition of five drugs including astragalus and cinnamon and other drugs for 40 cases of numbness of extremities 黃芪桂枝五物湯加味治療肢體麻木40例

Study on antiplatelet effect of radix astragali total saponin combined with radix paeoniae rubra giucosides 黃芪總皂苷和赤芍總苷協同抗血小板作用研究

Sudies on the influence of using bentonite clarifying agent on hygroscopicity of astragalus extracting powder 皂土澄清劑處理對黃芪浸膏粉吸濕性的影響

Clinical study on salvia miltiorrhiza compound with astragalus injection treating pulmonary heart disease 復方丹參和黃芪注射液輔助治療肺心病的療效

Effects of astragalus and non - wounded ischemic preconditioning on reprefusion injury in isolated hearts 黃芪預處理對離體心臟再灌注損傷的保護作用

A study comparing water use efficiency and root shoot ratio of alfalfa and astragalus adsurgens at seedling stage 苜蓿和沙打旺苗期需水及其根冠比

Ligusticum wallichii , atractylodes macrocephala koidz , akebi , radix astragali and ricepaper pith etc 石決明煅決明子扼子大黃黃芪等十一味。

Effect of astragalus polysaccharide on supporting hematopoiesis in long term bone marrow culture 黃芪多糖在長期骨髓細胞培養中支持體外造血的作用

Effect of astragalus membranaceus on the pattern of vascular endothelial cells of diabetic rats 黃芪對實驗性糖尿病大鼠血管內皮細胞形態的影響