
astraddle adj.〔多作表語〕,adv.跨。 stand astr...


On the road tom he told me all about how it was reckoned i was murdered , and how pap disappeared pretty soon , and didn t come back no more , and what a stir there was when jim run away ; and i told tom all about our royal nonesuch rapscallions , and as much of the raft voyage as i had time to ; and as we struck into the town and up through the - here comes a raging rush of people with torches , and an awful whooping and yelling , and banging tin pans and blowing horns ; and we jumped to one side to let them go by ; and as they went by i see they had the king and the duke astraddle of a rail - that is , i knowed it was the king and the duke , though they was all over tar and feathers , and didn t look like nothing in the world that was human - just looked like a couple of monstrous big soldier - plumes 我們到了鎮上,直奔鎮子的中心那時是八點半鐘只見有一大群人象潮水般涌來,手執火把,一路吼啊,叫啊,使勁地敲起白鐵鍋,吹起號角。我們跳到了一旁,讓大伙兒過去。隊伍走過時,只見國王和公爵給騎在一根單杠上其實,那只是我認為是國王和公爵,因為他們遍身給涂了漆,粘滿了羽毛,簡直已經不成人形乍一看,簡直象兩根軍人戴的猙獰可怕的粗翎子。

But pretty soon he struggled up astraddle and grabbed the bridle , a - reeling this way and that ; and the next minute he sprung up and dropped the bridle and stood 不過并沒有多久,他就用力一掙,跨上了馬鞍,抓住韁繩,晃到這一邊,又晃到那一邊,坐立不穩。

I lost no time . chucked my coat up to the wall and was sitting astraddle before i knew where i was 我爭分奪秒,把上衣往墻上一拋,一縱身就騎到墻上去了。